Spirits of Rokeby

Spirits of Rokeby Friday & Saturday, Oct. 25 & 26 Rokeby Museum is presenting a new production inspired by the spiritualist history at the museum. Ticket holders will gather for...


October bird monitoring walk

October bird monitoring walk Saturday, Oct. 26, 8-9 a.m. All birders (current, experienced, newbie and would-be) are welcome. Join the Birds of Vermont Museum’s monthly monitoring walk outdoors on the...


Bach concerts

Bach concerts Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 26 & 27 Capital City Concerts presents two concerts of instrumental works of J.S. Bach on Saturday, Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian...


Tree ID for birders

Tree ID for birders Sunday, Oct. 27, 10 a.m.-noon Have you ever noticed a bird, then wondered what kind of tree it was in, or why it was there? Take...


Hinesburg Artist Series

Hinesburg Artist Series Sunday, Oct. 27, 4 p.m. The Hinesburg Artist Series will present a concert featuring the Hinesburg Community Band and the South County Chorus at Champlain Valley Union...

Winter Lights

Winter Lights Thursday, Nov. 21 Shelburne Museum’s holiday light spectacular, Winter Lights, returns on Nov. 21 and runs through Jan. 5. The museum campus will be aglow in a dazzling...


Green Mountain Book Festival

Green Mountain Book Festival Friday & Saturday, Nov. 1 & 2 The Green Mountain Book Festival is holding its third annual event in Burlington. The two-day festival celebrates the works...

Coffee & muffins happy hour

Coffee & muffins happy hour Friday, Nov. 1, 8:30-10 a.m. Free coffee and muffins happy hour on Friday, Nov. 1, 8:30-10 a.m. Free iced coffee, hot coffee, tea and homemade...

Clothing drive for migrant farmworkers

Clothing drive for migrant farmworkers Saturday-Wednesday, Nov. 2-6 The Charlotte Grange is holding a clothing drive for local migrant farmworkers. Some specific clothes being sought for donation include machine washable...

Vermont women’s rally

Vermont women’s rally Saturday, Nov. 2, 10 a.m. A Vermont women’s rally will be held on the Statehouse lawn in Montpelier on Nov. 2, 10 a.m. This event will be...

‘A Taste of Freedom’

'A Taste of Freedom' Wednesday-Saturday, Nov. 6-9, 7 p.m. A Saint Michael’s College student is shining light on the lived experiences of people with disabilities — including her own —...

Shelburne grab-and-go meal

Shelburne grab-and-go meal Tuesday, Nov. 12, 11 a.m.-noon Age Well and St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Shelburne are providing a Thanksgiving meal to go for anyone age 60 and...

School holiday market

School holiday market Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The Charlotte Central School Holiday Market is looking for local artisans, crafters and vendors. The market will be held in two...

Thread of Blue concert

Thread of Blue concert Thursday, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m. Ohavi Zedek will host a concert to benefit The Lost Mural Project featuring saxophonist Marty Fogel and his quintet, Thread of...

‘Footloose’ at CVU

'Footloose' at CVU Friday-Sunday, Nov. 15-17 Champlain Valley Union High will present the musical version of "Footloose" for four performances in the school's theater. Based on the iconic 1984 film,...


Non-Fiction Comics Festival

Non-Fiction Comics Festival Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 16-17 The third annual Nonfiction Comics Festival, a free two-day event at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, explores the use of comics...

Morningside Cemetery Association

Morningside Cemetery Association Monday, Nov. 18, 2:00 pm The annual meeting of the Morningside Cemetery Association will be held at the Charlotte Town Offices on Monday, November 18 at 2:00...

Shelburne Thanksgiving meal

Shelburne Thanksgiving meal Wednesday, Nov. 20, 11:30 a.m. St. Catherine of Siena and Age Well are offering a Thanksgiving meal for anyone 60 or older in the St. Catherine of...


Winter Lights

Winter Lights Thursday, Nov. 21 Shelburne Museum’s holiday light spectacular, Winter Lights, returns on Nov. 21 and runs through Jan. 5. The museum campus will be aglow in a dazzling...


‘Highlight’ New Year’s Eve

‘Highlight’ New Year’s Eve Tuesday, Dec. 31 Burlington City Arts is holding the seventh “Highlight” New Year’s Eve celebration from midday Dec. 31 until past midnight. Tickets for “Highlight” go...

Middlebury museum train display

Middlebury museum train display Friday, Nov. 29, 11 a.m. Middlebury’s Henry Sheldon Museum will hold opening day for Rolling Down the Tracks: Holiday Trains. The elaborate model train layout will...

Annual Messiah Sing

Annual Messiah Sing Sunday, Dec. 1, 4-5:15 p.m. Charlotte Congregational will host its annual performance of Handel’s “Messiah” as a classic singalong. Anne Decker will conduct four of Vermont’s preeminent...