Craft fair & raffle

Craft fair & raffle Saturday, Oct. 19 St. Peter’s Church in Vergennes will host a craft fair, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Parish Hall (85 South Maple St.). The craft fair will also include a raffle, bake sale and luncheon. Crafters will sell a variety of handcrafted items including jams, jellies, hats, mittens, sweaters, soaps,...

Sneaker Soiree

Sneaker Soiree Saturday, Oct. 19, 6-10 p.m. Girls on the Run Vermont will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a Sneaker Soiree, which should be the most comfortable cocktail party in town. Suggested attire is semi-formal and, of course, your favorite sneakers. This 18-and-older event will be held in Burlington Beer Company’s new event space at...

Battle of Cedar Creek talk

Battle of Cedar Creek talk Sunday, Oct. 20, 2 p.m. On Oct. 19, 1864, a surprise attack by Confederate troops in the Shenandoah Valley at Cedar Creek appeared to be a solid victory for the South. Thanks to the heroic efforts of the Vermont’s 8th Regiment, the Union reclaimed the battlefield. In a talk entitled...


'Groomed' Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7 p.m. The play "Groomed" will be performed in the Shelburne Town Hall 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 22. Actor and playwright Patrick Sandford has performed this play over 90 times in the Britian and elsewhere. Three narratives of a betrayed schoolboy, a Japanese soldier and the inventor of the saxophone show...

Spirits of Rokeby

Spirits of Rokeby Friday & Saturday, Oct. 25 & 26 Rokeby Museum is presenting a new production inspired by the spiritualist history at the museum. Ticket holders will gather for a drink and a short talk on Victorian Spiritualism before entering the historic home, where actors will guide them through participatory dramatization, recreating séances based...


October bird monitoring walk

October bird monitoring walk Saturday, Oct. 26, 8-9 a.m. All birders (current, experienced, newbie and would-be) are welcome. Join the Birds of Vermont Museum’s monthly monitoring walk outdoors on the museum’s trails in forest and meadow. Most fun for adults and older children. Bring your own binoculars and dress for the weather. Tick repellent and...


Bach concerts

Bach concerts Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 26 & 27 Capital City Concerts presents two concerts of instrumental works of J.S. Bach on Saturday, Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Church of Montpelier and on Sunday, Oct. 27, 4 p.m. in Burlington at the Cathedral of Saint Paul. Pianist Jeewon Park, violinist Jeffrey Multer, cellist...


Tree ID for birders

Tree ID for birders Sunday, Oct. 27, 10 a.m.-noon Have you ever noticed a bird, then wondered what kind of tree it was in, or why it was there? Take a walk at the Birds of Vermont Museum to explore tree identification with forester Kathleen Stutzman. Open to folks with any and all levels of...


Hinesburg Artist Series

Hinesburg Artist Series Sunday, Oct. 27, 4 p.m. The Hinesburg Artist Series will present a concert featuring the Hinesburg Community Band and the South County Chorus at Champlain Valley Union High School. The South County Chorus will perform selections by Pinkzebra, Victor Johnson, the spiritual “Elijah Rock” and an arrangement of “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll....

Winter Lights

Winter Lights Thursday, Nov. 21 Shelburne Museum’s holiday light spectacular, Winter Lights, returns on Nov. 21 and runs through Jan. 5. The museum campus will be aglow in a dazzling visual display of lights accompanied by musical selections. For the first time, Winter Lights is partnering with the town and will be expanded into Shelburne,...


Green Mountain Book Festival

Green Mountain Book Festival Friday & Saturday, Nov. 1 & 2 The Green Mountain Book Festival is holding its third annual event in Burlington. The two-day festival celebrates the works of Vermont authors through panel discussions, readings, signings and workshops. The festival kicks off at the Venetian Soda Lounge at 7 p.m. with a fundraising...

Coffee & muffins happy hour

Coffee & muffins happy hour Friday, Nov. 1, 8:30-10 a.m. Free coffee and muffins happy hour on Friday, Nov. 1, 8:30-10 a.m. Free iced coffee, hot coffee, tea and homemade muffins at the Charlotte Grange, 2858 Spear St. All are welcome.

Clothing drive for migrant farmworkers

Clothing drive for migrant farmworkers Saturday-Wednesday, Nov. 2-6 The Charlotte Grange is holding a clothing drive for local migrant farmworkers. Some specific clothes being sought for donation include machine washable hoodie sweatshirts, pants (denim, canvas), work clothes, vests (fleece or heavy cloth), jackets, thermal underwear. Please: No button-down shirts, polo shirts or wool items of...

Vermont women’s rally

Vermont women’s rally Saturday, Nov. 2, 10 a.m. A Vermont women’s rally will be held on the Statehouse lawn in Montpelier on Nov. 2, 10 a.m. This event will be a sister event to the National Women’s March in Washington, D.C., on that day. State parking lots will be open and free for public parking....

‘A Taste of Freedom’

'A Taste of Freedom' Wednesday-Saturday, Nov. 6-9, 7 p.m. A Saint Michael’s College student is shining light on the lived experiences of people with disabilities — including her own — through her original play, “A Taste of Freedom.” A cast of four, which includes playwright Sadie Chamberlain, will perform the play in the McCarthy Arts...

Shelburne grab-and-go meal

Shelburne grab-and-go meal Tuesday, Nov. 12, 11 a.m.-noon Age Well and St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Shelburne are providing a Thanksgiving meal to go for anyone age 60 and older. The meal will be available for pick up in the parking lot at 72 Church Street from 11 a.m. until noon. A $5 donation...

School holiday market

School holiday market Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The Charlotte Central School Holiday Market is looking for local artisans, crafters and vendors. The market will be held in two gyms bursting with exhibitors, a DIY craft corner for the kiddos and a smorgasbord of tasty treats. Registration fees support a variety of school programs...

Thread of Blue concert

Thread of Blue concert Thursday, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m. Ohavi Zedek will host a concert to benefit The Lost Mural Project featuring saxophonist Marty Fogel and his quintet, Thread of Blue. The band will play improvisational jazz emanating from Jewish sources including songs by composers including Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin and Kurt Weill. The performance...

‘Footloose’ at CVU

'Footloose' at CVU Friday-Sunday, Nov. 15-17 Champlain Valley Union High will present the musical version of "Footloose" for four performances in the school's theater. Based on the iconic 1984 film, "Footloose" tells the story of Ren McCormack, a teenager who moves to the small town of Bomont, where dancing is banned. Ren teams up with...


Non-Fiction Comics Festival

Non-Fiction Comics Festival Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 16-17 The third annual Nonfiction Comics Festival, a free two-day event at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, explores the use of comics in nonfiction storytelling. The festival will bring together over 40 cartoonists displaying and selling their work and a suite of discussion panels and workshops. The...

Morningside Cemetery Association

Morningside Cemetery Association Monday, Nov. 18, 2:00 pm The annual meeting of the Morningside Cemetery Association will be held at the Charlotte Town Offices on Monday, November 18 at 2:00 pm. This meeting is open to the general public. For additional information, contact Sheila Burleigh or 802-425-3835.