‘Terrestrials: life on the ground’

‘Terrestrials: life on the ground’ Friday, March 22, 7-8 p.m. Come to the marble court at the Fleming Museum of Art at the University of Vermont for a performance featuring three original works by professor Paul Besaw in collaboration with an amazing team of musicians and dancers. Make a free reservation.

‘Just Getting By’

‘Just Getting By’ Friday & Saturday, March 22-23, 7 p.m. “Just Getting By,” a new documentary film by Bess O’Brien about Vermonters struggling with food and housing insecurity will tour Vermont from March 22-April 12 and will play at Burlington’s Main Street Landing at 60 Lake Street at 7 p.m., March 22-23. Tickets are $15...


‘Cabin Fever Follies’

‘Cabin Fever Follies’ Friday & Saturday, March 22-23, 7:30 p.m. The Valley Players will present the 36th annual “Cabin Fever Follies” on Friday and Saturday, March 22-23, at 7:30 p.m. at the Valley Players Theater, 4254 Main Street in Waitsfield. Singing, fiddling, banjo playing, improv comedy, clowning, poetry, storytelling and magic are some of the...

Maple Run 5K

Maple Run 5K Saturday, March 23, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Rock Point School in Burlington is hosting its annual maple-themed 5K race on March 23. The course will run through Rock Point and on the Burlington Bike Path. Sign-ins begin at 9:30 a.m., and the race will kick off at 10 a.m. After the run, enjoy pancakes...

STEM Showcase 6.0

STEM Showcase 6.0 Saturday, March 23, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. STEM Showcase 6.0 will be at the University of Vermont 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., March 23. The event is a fun, hands-on learning opportunity for third-ninth grade students interested in exploring science, technology and engineering. Registrations will be accepted until March 20 or until the showcase is...

‘Never Spoken Again’ video

‘Never Spoken Again’ video Saturday, March 24, 2-3 p.m. Catch a special screening of video artworks accompanying the exhibition “Never Spoken Again,” featuring artists Laura Huertas Millan, Carlos Motta, and Francois Boucher at the Fleming Museum of Art at the University of Vermont. This will be followed by a public tour of the “Never Spoken Again”...

‘Never Spoken Again’ video

‘Never Spoken Again’ video Saturday, March 24, 2-3 p.m. Catch a special screening of video artworks accompanying the exhibition “Never Spoken Again,” featuring artists Laura Huertas Millan, Carlos Motta, and Francois Boucher at the Fleming Museum of Art at the University of Vermont. This will be followed by a public tour of the “Never Spoken Again”...

‘Never Spoken Again’ video

‘Never Spoken Again’ video Saturday, March 24, 2-3 p.m. Catch a special screening of video artworks accompanying the exhibition “Never Spoken Again,” featuring artists Laura Huertas Millan, Carlos Motta, and Francois Boucher at the Fleming Museum of Art at the University of Vermont. This will be followed by a public tour of the “Never Spoken Again”...

Secrets of Mount Philo

Secrets of Mount Philo Saturday, April 27 Judy Chaves will lead a history-focused, guided hike up Mt. Philo on Saturday, April 27. Learn the mountain’s fascinating history and discover where evidence of that history hides in plain sight. Early spring is a great time for this — the park is closed officially (no cars) and...

Artist talk

Artist talk Wednesday, March 27, 8 p.m. On Wednesday, March 27, visiting artist Mildred Beltre′ will give an artist talk at the Red Mill at the Vermont Studio Center. Beltré, is a Brooklyn-based artist, mother and educator working in print, drawing and participatory politically engaged practice to explore facets of social change. Beltré is the...

Artist talk

Artist talk Wednesday, March 27, 8 p.m. On Wednesday, March 27, visiting artist Mildred Beltre′ will give an artist talk at the Red Mill at the Vermont Studio Center. Beltré, is a Brooklyn-based artist, mother and educator working in print, drawing and participatory politically engaged practice to explore facets of social change. Beltré is the...

Climate, photography Q&A

Climate, photography Q&A Thursday, March 28, 7 p.m. On Thursday, March 28, at 7 p.m., full-time meteorologist and part-time photographer Conor Lahiff will hold a Q&A at Jericho’s Deborah Rawson Memorial Library on trends in weather and the challenges of photographing the night sky. The Jericho Energy Task Force is presenting this open-ended forum. Discussion...

Solar eclipse celebration

Solar eclipse celebration Tuesday-Saturday, April 2-6 To celebrate the upcoming total solar eclipse, the Fleming Museum at the University of Vermont is celebrating with “Look to the Sky!” Museum staff pulled artworks and objects from it collection related to space, the heavens and all things out of this world.

Solar eclipse at Shelburne Museum

Solar eclipse at Shelburne Museum Monday, April 8, 11 a.m. Shelburne Museum is holding viewing of the total solar eclipse on April 8. The museum grounds will be open along with the Weathervane Café, the Carousel, Round Barn and, depending on the weather conditions, some of the museum buildings. Tickets are $25 for adults, $23...


Virtual community design workshop

Virtual community design workshop Wednesday, April 10, 6-8 p.m. The workshop is online only via Zoom at https://bit.ly/Charlotte_Villages_project. This is an opportunity to help shape plans for Charlotte's East and West Villages. This is the next in a series of opportunities for the project team to hear directly from residents their hopes, ideas and concerns...

Local author reading

Local author reading Saturday, April 13, 10:30 a.m. Local author Robert Broder will read from his newest book “Reading Together: A Heartwarming Story About Bonding with Your Child Through the Love of Reading” at Shelburne’s Pierson Library on Saturday, April 13. The story time is free and books will be available to purchase from Flying...

Vermont Poetry Festival

Vermont Poetry Festival Saturday, April 20, 10 a.m-4 p.m. The Green Mountain Writers Group will host the second annual Vermont Poetry Festival in Underhill Center at the Historic District 5 Schoolhouse. A morning poetry writing workshop, “Ending the Silence,” will be led by poet Jodi Girouard. At noon, there will be a break for a...

Park & Wildlife Refuge workdays

Park & Wildlife Refuge workdays April 20 & 23, 10 a.m.-noon A workday may include clearing invasive plants, weeding or planting native wildflowers and grass seeds at the Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge. Contact Sue Smith for details.

Masonry in Early Vermont

Masonry in Early Vermont Sunday, April 21, 2 p.m. Masonry has always been a presence in the Green Mountain State. From the first settlers to the present, Vermont masons have made a difference in their communities. Ira Allen, Thomas Chittenden and other Vermont founders were members of this fraternity. Join Robert Grandchamp, historian and past...

Earth Day at the library

Earth Day at the library Monday, April 22, 7 p.m. Celebrate the ways we’ve protected the environment on Earth Day at the Charlotte Library. Learn how local conservation organizations like the Lewis Creek Association, the Charlotte Energy Committee and the Charlotte Conservation Commission got started. Earth Day, since it was founded in 1970, has inspired...

‘Steamboats, Subchasers and Shipwrecks’

‘Steamboats, Subchasers and Shipwrecks’ Tuesday, April 23, 6:30 p.m. Brian Knight, architectural historian and preservation planner, will trace the history of the Shelburne Shipyard from the earliest steamboats through the World War II manufacture of subchasers to the recent investigations of shipwrecks in Shelburne Harbor at the Shelburne Town Hall. Enter by the Pierson Library...