Celebrate July: National-eating-celebrations month
July is the month for national eating celebrations. Consider:
July is the month for national eating celebrations. Consider:
Planning to pick your own fruit this summer? Let’s review some pick-your-own-fruit etiquette to keep in mind when you go.
If your garden is anything like mine this season, you are seeing a jungle that is difficult to keep up with.
This is another of those New England dishes with a funny name; a quick braise of midsummer veggies has long been a favorite when we find the new produce coming in abundantly, but don’t want to stand over the stove too long.
The state Agency of Agriculture has awarded more than $1,600,000 in grants to 13 farm operations across Vermont. Two of those farms are in Charlotte.
The Monday Munch at the senior center 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. menu is bacon cheeseburger sliders, Montreal style slaw (no mayo), chips, dip, strawberry shortcake and lemonade.
It has been said that the only constant is change.
Besides rescuing Anne Frank’s book from the slag heap, editing with Anne Tyler, John Updike and a zillion others, she was instrumental in bringing M.F.K. Fisher and Julia Child to the nation’s attention.
What a delight, to find that first, perfect sweet strawberry of the season. They have arrived, and berry season in my book marks the real beginning of summer.
The menu for the Monday Munch at the Charlotte Senior Center 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on June 3 is lasagna, garlic bread, garden salad, cream cheese bars with fruit and whipped cream.
The senior center’s Monday Munch on May 20 (11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) features chicken noodle soup, green salad and homemade dessert.
The farmers markets and stands are opening up, and our season of ever-changing harvests begins anew.
The senior center menu for this Monday Munch, May 6, is roasted veggie fajitas, cucumber and tomato salad, roasted potatoes, churro cheesecake bars and cranberry seltzer. The munching happens 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
On my way home from a turkey hunt Wednesday morning, I was pondering “what does successful mean” when it comes to a day in the woods.
There’s more to consider than fresh eggs when raising chickens at home. For gardeners, that includes keeping both chickens and plants safe and productive.
On the Internet, you’ll find a list of over 100 quiche puns. Reading one makes you wince, and then the next one is worse. They are quite painful, and I’ll refrain from repeating any of them.
It’s almost time, you will find them soon — fiddlehead ferns, a local delicacy that signals the arrival of spring.
Monday, April 8, is definitely a day to celebrate the moon.
Once again Champlain Valley Union High School has taken a team to the Jr. Iron Chef Competition and once again the Redhawks have come home with awards.
Farm Stand Together is beginning its third season, with expanded farm partnerships and a reinforced pledge to work for food security across Vermont’s rural communities.