Red Onion opens its doors in Charlotte
The well known and much-loved Red Onion Café opened with a rush on Wednesday morning that was still going at lunch time.
The well known and much-loved Red Onion Café opened with a rush on Wednesday morning that was still going at lunch time.
Co-owner Allison Stratton, who owns the pizza restaurants with her husband Tyler Stratton and his childhood pal Silas Pollitt, said, “We have lofty goals…We want to bring awesome pizza to underserved areas…
Charlotte Crossings is at odds with the Town of Charlotte yet again, as the Route 7 property owners say they were “unexpectedly” asked to stop hosting food trucks in their parking lot this week.
This time of year, when the mist settles into the pasture in the morning, the ravens begin to call from their hemlock boughs and the warm, still afternoon sun cuts through the cool petrichor of late summer rain, I turn to tomatoes.
Charlotte Crossings is at odds with the Town of Charlotte yet again, as the Route 7 property owners claim they were “unexpectedly” asked to stop hosting food trucks in their parking lot this week. The building holds office space, a retail store, and has space for a restaurant, though one does not currently operate at the property.
At the corner of Lake and Ferry Roads, Ceres Gardens is a cornucopia of fresh produce, thanks to Bud Ceres and Tim Hoopes.
The Department for Children and Families announced today that many 3SquaresVT households will get a higher benefit in June to help them through the current health crisis. This extra help is part of the federal Coronavirus Relief Bill.
There is no hiding from COVID-19. This virus has no borders and travels at will, menacing people and businesses in every sector of society. The pandemic threatens agriculture and with it our food security, as farmers work to produce the food on our tables.
Now, more than ever, we can come together as a community and support local businesses, simply by our food buying choices. We are blessed with many wonderful farms, bakeries, restaurants and stores here in Charlotte and surrounding towns. Most require pre-orders, and offerings change frequently, so check with their web sites or call for more information.
ShakeyGround Farm on Converse Bay Road near the Charlotte Ferry is not shaky in any way. Started by David Beckwith, it is now run Megan Bookless and Becca Burke. Becca says the place spoke to her.
Charlotte is blessed with dreamers and doers on the land. A visit to Stony Loam Farm on a cold dark evening confirms this.
To meet Steve Schubart at the Grasscattle Company is to see our future and celebrate out past. A man with a mission and huge energy, an unstoppable combination.
In season, Stony Loam Farm offers a bountiful community supported agriculture (CSA) of fresh veggies and flowers. The name of the farm comes from the agricultural designation for the type of soil on the farm. A bit complicated, but it is a mixture of clay, sand and shells.
KidsCookVT had fun cooking calzones and cookies together last week. Calzones and salads were brought to a grateful staff at The Janet S. Must Family Room and to the New American Mothers and their children during a family playgroup. The cookies will be delivered later this week to the Charlotte Food Shelf.
The Town of Charlotte has a long history supporting agriculture and attracting residents who value a working landscape. Throughout our state, farms provide numerous services in their communities: fresh food, jobs, diverse small businesses and open landscapes, as well as a range of ecosystem services from water quality to wildlife habitat, healthy soils and the mitigation of climate change. And yet, farming in Vermont is endangered: The state has lost approximately 10 percent of its farms every year for the last five years.
Mushrooms? It seems that I’ve cooked with the little button mushrooms found in most grocery stores forever and enjoyed them raw in tossed salads. About 12 years ago, I was introduced to the Portobello mushroom by my son-in-law, David, who cooked them on his charcoal grill. They were delicious!
A visit to the Charlotte Berry Farm will only make you feel happy and warm despite the cold. Located on Route 7 across from Higbee Road, it is now open on Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m.
The deal for a new restaurant in the almost-completed Charlotte Crossing building fell through in September, but hopes for a sit-down eatery in town are not completely dashed. The commercial building, which is located at the site of the former Vermont Wildflower Farm on Route 7, is on track to house office and retail spaces as planned, but the restaurant plans are up in the air for now.
To meet Cathy Wells at Unity Farm on Higbee Road is to enter the world of a true dynamo. Ordinary multitaskers would be put to shame.
CBD is all the rage these days—you can’t swing a hoe in the grocery store without hitting ice cream, pet treats or body lotion with cannabidiol oil in it. All that CDB has to come from somewhere, and those with the hoes are making it happen in Charlotte.