Letters to the Editor: July 25
Community voices on current events
Community voices on current events
Charlotte’s conserved lands AND More feedback on town employees unionizing
Assembling our town plan took an enormous investment of time and talent from volunteers, town employees, consultants, the planning commission and selectboard.
The 1973 oil embargo prompted many energy-saving ideas — real and imaginary.
Locals share their options on a variety of topics.
Charlotters express their opinions on various topics.
Lectio Divina Series at Charlotte Congregational Church and Remain alert to what Trump says and the threat he poses
When I started my professional career 45 years ago, it was in rural upstate New York as a cooperative extension agent in community resource development. Along with my fellow extension agents in agriculture, horticulture and home economics, we
Charlotters express their opinions on local topics.
Now is the time to bring forward Vermont-reared Thaddeus Stevens — Lincoln’s sidebar Civil War strategist who stridently pressed the president to first: emancipate the slaves; and once freed: to arm them.
Did you visit one of Vermont’s many lakes this summer?
Yes to town manager switch OR Administrator system seems to work for selectboard
The Fair Share for Vermont campaign is calling for Vermont’s wealthiest residents to pay their fair share in taxes so we can build a better state for all of us.
On March 5, 2024, Charlotters will take to the polls to make an important, informed decision about the future: whether or not to switch to a town manager from a town administrator.
Banned books, end sale of flavored tobacco and It’s time for the wealthiest to pay their fair share in taxes
The corruption of freedom
On a sunny August Friday morning, I stopped in at Burlington’s Willow Bakery for a bagel and coffee.
In November 2021, the selectboard approved the formation of a development review board. This change delegated all development applications, conditional-use permits, site plans, variances
Our house was in Shelburne but the sheep barn was in Charlotte. My best friends and fellow hockey players all lived in Charlotte (when the Charlotte skating rink was on the east side of Greenbush Rd. on the north side of the village).
The Charlotte Trails Committee is pleased to announce the completion of a new section of trail.