Prep the right way for a wide range of house hunters

Prep the right way for a wide range of house hunters

Oh, the holidays. A time of family, traditions and togetherness. Or if you’re like me, a time of deep cleaning and junk-hiding to give my home the illusion of Pinterest perfection for the relatives. And while most homes will never look as tidy as they do before the in-laws pull up, there is one other time to pay such close attention to your home’s appearance—when you go to sell it.

Mater Christi School announces new leadership

The Trustees of the Mater Christi School are honored and pleased to announce the appointment of Tim Loescher as head of school and president. As Mater Christi School continues its tradition of academic excellence, Loescher will direct its future initiatives and support the school’s mission in partnership with the board of trustees.

News from the Charlotte Library

News from the Charlotte Library

What do you do when there’s a power outage in town? Come to the library! We welcomed over 120 people to the Charlotte Library on Monday, Oct. 30, following the wind storm that swept through town. Telecommuters checked their email side-by-side with students finishing up homework, while LEGO creations and train table time occupied the youngest visitors. Coffee and good cheer were shared by all!

Line of common fire extinguishers recalled

Line of common fire extinguishers recalled

On Nov. 2, 2017, Kidde announced a recall of almost 38 million fire extinguishers sold in the United States. They may not work during a fire emergency if they become clogged and require a lot of force to use. Also, the nozzle can come off with enough force to strike and hurt someone. Kidde recommends owners immediately replace these fire extinguishers.

A short story: Drones in the sky

A short story: Drones in the sky

Gretchen lay awake staring straight up into the darkness, praying the door would open. Never had he gone out at night for this long, and she knew if he had been taken they would come for her next. She fought the urge to put their emergency plan into motion. Just a little longer, she thought, as she began to pray more vehemently.

Wind industry rules and the interest of Vermont citizens

I read Representative Michael Yantachka’s commentary, in the November 1 issue of The News, on Vermont’s new turbine noise rules with interest. Rep. Yantachka is a member of the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR), which gave its final approval to the noise rules over the objections of the wind industry on Oct. 19.

Mentors and M&Ms

Mentors and M&Ms

One morning in the early 1990s, my phone rang. It was not a nice man from Nigeria telling me I owed the IRS money. James Lawrence was on the line. “There’s a situation with The Charlotte News,” James said. “I’m asking all of the newspaper’s contributors to meet at the Congregational Church this afternoon.” He did not wait to hear my excuses. I showed up.

Local nonprofits team up for post-Thanksgiving fun

After several seasons of the Internet Cat Video Festival, Homeward Bound and Town Hall Theater are changing things up and offering a film festival on Saturday, Nov. 25, devoted entirely to dogs. The Bow Wow Film Festival is a traveling, dog-centric film festival that celebrates, educates, and inspires all things doggie through the art of short film. 

Food Shelf News

Food Shelf News

Families in every corner of Charlotte are very busy preparing for Thanksgiving baskets. CCS students in  kindergarten through 4th grade are decorating boxes, shopping for groceries, baking and creating a special Thanksgiving meal. A turkey for each family will be donated by the Charlotte and Shelburne Rotary, a tradition started many years ago. A special thanks to Kris Gerson for coordinating the effort at CCS and Todd Whitaker, Rotary member, for coordinating with the Shelburne Market on behalf of the Food Shelf.

Charlotte Recreation News

Charlotte Recreation News

BIG THANKS! On behalf of the Recreation Department, we would like to take the time to thank all of the dedicated soccer coaches this season: Jeff Albertson, John Higgins, Elizabeth Hunt, Rob Anderson, Jonathan Couture, Josh Golek, Josh Bagnato and Jamie LaBerge. We had over 100 Charlotte children participate in the soccer program this season, and it would not have been possible without our volunteer coaches. Thank you for all that you do for our community!

Meet CVFRS Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Jenna Lindemann

Meet CVFRS Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Jenna Lindemann

Jenna Lindemann was born in 1991 and raised in Shelburne. Her father is an insurance professional and her mother is an expert seamstress and sewer who applies those skills at an interior design firm. Jenna also has an older brother who lives in Maryland and works on fighter jets.