Registration Opens for Governor’s Institutes Winter Weekends

The Governor’s Institutes of Vermont announces the opening of the application for two fantastic Winter Weekends for motivated high school students taking place in February 2018 at Goddard College.  All Vermont high school and technical center students are invited to attend. 

Town Bites

Town Bites

Ricin danger at Wake Robin is under control – The resident at Wake Robin, who manufactured the toxic drug ricin and tested it on at least three neighboring residents to determine whether it had the desired poisonous effect before using it on herself, has been removed from the residence and is in custody awaiting trial.

The special sauce

The special sauce

Getting those college applications to rise to the top of the pile. Students and parents are always asking: what’s the secret ingredient, that special sauce, that will allow a college application to rise to the top of the pile?

Volunteer Vermont reunion and celebration of the life of John Mack

Volunteer Vermont reunion and celebration of the life of John Mack

Volunteer Vermont will hold a potluck reunion on Dec 27, from 3 to 7 p.m., in the vestry of the Charlotte Congregational Church. In addition to sharing memories of Summerton and the Prayer House Mission, the gathering will celebrate the extraordinary life of John Mack, the leader of Volunteer Vermont from its founding until his death on August 12, 2017. 

Charlotte Girl Scouts off to a busy beginning

Charlotte Girl Scouts off to a busy beginning

Last year the girls started working on a 12 patch program called “A Year in the Life of Juliette Gordon Low.” Juliette was the founder of the Girl Scouts when it began in the year 1912, and these patches are all designed around activities that she found to be of importance to her. Having already earned four of those 12, the girls came back this fall ready to begin working on the next one, Promote Our Promise, which requires them to learn about how to design and deliver a public service announcement.



From oceans, lakes (“great” and “pretty good”) to rivers, ponds, creeks, icecaps, glaciers and, yes, the human body itself, water is a central element in our planet’s structure and function. We don’t always appreciate how much of a role water plays in our existence, and it has taken warming trends in the atmosphere to jolt us awake.

Mr. Saity (written 30 years later), Part 2

Mr. Saity (written 30 years later), Part 2

My husband, John, and I paused on Park Avenue in front of Mr. Saitys’ store with its enticing American Indian and Tibetan jewelry. I pressed the buzzer and Mr. Saity unlocked the door. He welcomed us as if we were former friends, although we’d never met, and began sharing the history of his jewelry. He took a prominent piece from a case.  

The Mesa

The Mesa

As Jeff turned off the pavement onto a narrow dirt road, the late afternoon sun shone into his eyes. It had been three weeks since she had collapsed on the kitchen floor, and this would be the twenty-second sunset he would watch without her.

Town Plan proceeds

In a harmonious and productive first public meeting on the Town Plan on Monday, December 11, the Charlotte Selectboard and the town’s assembled citizens reached consensus that the plan would be voted on at Town Meeting, 2018.

Building computer literacy

Building computer literacy

Storage – The part in your computer that holds all your storage/all your files is either a hard disk drive (HDD) or a solid state drive (SSD). HDDs are also known as spinning mechanical Hard Drives. They have moving parts that consist of metal platters (the platter looks similar to a CD/DVD). If the moving parts should touch each other or rattle around (think about every time you move your laptop from one place to another) you can get data loss.  

Sports Report

Sports Report

Before winter sports head into full swing, coaches and the Burlington Free Press sports writers selected players from across Vermont for their prowess this fall in field hockey, while the coaches did the same for men and women in soccer.

Food Shelf News

Food Shelf News

Please join us to assemble the holiday/Christmas baskets for approximately 30 Charlotte families. We’ll meet in the Charlotte Congregational Church vestry on Friday, Dec.15, from 8 until about 10 a.m.  This is a festive and fun occasion and all are welcome. The baskets will be distributed to families in need the following morning. Bring your friends and just show up, we love the help!