Big Oak Lane neighborhood in Charlotte is staying ahead of the storm

Big Oak Lane neighborhood in Charlotte is staying ahead of the storm

The Big Oak Lane (BOL) neighborhood is located in Charlotte off of East Thompson’s Point Road within the Thorp Brook watershed. It is a residential development with six homes and an active agricultural enterprise that drain 16.9 acres into a headwater tributary of Thorp Brook and Lake Champlain about a mile downstream.

Yantachka named a Renewable Energy Legislative Champion

Yantachka named a Renewable Energy Legislative Champion

At Renewable Energy Vermont’s 18th annual Conference and Exposition, held October 18 and 19 in Burlington, the organization conferred on Charlotte Representative Mike Yantachka its Renewable Energy Legislative Champion award for his contributions to advancing renewable energy in Vermont as a member of the House Energy & Technology Committee, the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR) and the climate caucus.

A True Gentleman

A True Gentleman

I really don’t remember when I met him, when I met them. I think it might have been at a party thrown by my neighbors at the time, because they were all close friends and I think he and his wife had just moved to Charlotte. I think that’s probably how we first connected.

Charlotte students attend March for Our Lives event

Charlotte students attend March for Our Lives event

On Friday, Oct.19, Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg and Alex Wind visited Burlington as part of their March for Our Lives tour. They spoke at the First Unitarian Universalist Society, which was packed with people, sitting on the ground in the back and pulling chairs up as well.

Fall is here

Fall is here

I know it’s truly fall when an email pops up in my mailbox with the heading: “Lamb with a Plan.” It’s John O’Brien, the Tunbridge sheep farmer inquiring if we wish to buy lamb again this year.

Missing man found dead in Town Farm Bay

Missing man found dead in Town Farm Bay

On Sunday, Oct. 21, George Ruhe, 67, went missing from the Point Bay Marina on Thompson’s Point Road in Charlotte. Late Thursday afternoon, Oct. 25, a dive team recovered Ruhe’s body from Town Farm Bay near the marina. Ruhe’s body was then transferred to the chief medical examiner’s office in Burlington, where the cause of his death was determined to be accidental drowning.

Around Town: Oct. 31, 2018

Around Town: Oct. 31, 2018

to Joseph Lasek, M.D. of Charlotte who was recently appointed co-president of the Vermont Psychiatric Association. He is also the Howard Center’s medical director of adult services and a clinical assistant professor at the University of Vermont Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry as well as Southern New Hampshire University’s graduate program in clinical mental health counseling. His career has extended to work in many mental-health settings, including corrections facilities and inpatient psychiatric units.

The brighter side of our climate fiasco

The brighter side of our climate fiasco

Writing a column for one’s local paper is a challenge. As a volunteer who writes only to provide our community with something other than the news to ponder, I suffer from inspiration blocks for a variety of reasons: my full-time job, three grandkids, five kids, a house that always needs painting or cleaning or repairing, a lawn that needs to be mowed, dishes, laundry and cooking that must be done.

Charlotte Fire and Rescue crew  receives training on new fire truck

Charlotte Fire and Rescue crew receives training on new fire truck

Firefighters attended class and hands-on instruction for the compressed air foam system (CAFS) featured on the station’s new fire truck. That system injects air into the foam and water, allowing for a longer water supply and water delivery rate. Lou DeRosa of Waterous Pumps led the class on Oct. 20 along with 12 of CVFRS crew.

Eastern wild turkeys in Vermont

Eastern wild turkeys in Vermont

Autumn has arrived and so begins the holiday season and thoughts of friendly gatherings, food, food and more food. Thanksgiving is coming up, and just the thought makes my mind wander to the wild turkey population in Vermont. I am a lover of animals and enjoy seeing the wild populations roaming around from time to time. I thought this would be a great opportunity to learn more about the Eastern wild turkey and provide some information that may not be widely known.

Susan Callis Raabe

Susan Callis Raabe

Susan Callis Raabe died from pancreatic cancer on October 29th, peacefully at home and surrounded by family, exactly as she envisioned it. Susan was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1941. She graduated from Marymount College and Columbia School of Nursing. In 1965, while working in the coronary care unit at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, Susan met a medical student named Daniel Raabe.

Clean your room

Clean your room

Well, we all knew it was coming. High 70s last week and some snow in the forecast for this week.  
The bounty from the “year of the tomato” needs to be put away. Sauces, freezer, dehydrating or wall paper. Lots of other veggies as well. What a bounty. Don’t forget the Charlotte Food Shelf.