Andrew Zehner joins newspaper’s board
The Charlotte News is excited that Andrew Zehner has joined the board of directors. He came to Charlotte in 2020 from New Haven, Connecticut, but has long-time connections to the area, starting with Middlebury College in the early 1980s. He believes strongly in contributing to his community.
“I have a special interest in history and journalism, and hope to help out The Charlotte News as it continues to evolve,” Zehner said.
He is an attorney with the University of Vermont and focused on the institution’s research efforts (see the Aug. 28-Sept. 3 issue of Seven Days for a detailed article on the topic). He also teaches a class there that focuses on innovation and intellectual property.
Zehner previously worked as counsel for the University of Pennsylvania’s gene therapy program in Philadelphia. His work with academic institutions extends to the University of Connecticut. Before that, he was an attorney in the health care and telecommunications sectors.
With these legal and business experiences, he is well positioned to help the board provide management oversight of The Charlotte News and advise on business practices to ensure its financial viability.
Andrew Zehner is married to Suzanne Whitty, and they have three grown children who love to visit Vermont.
“I fell in love with Vermont while at Middlebury, and Sue and I and our kids spent about 25 summers enjoying Lake Champlain and the mountains before we finally made the move,” he said.
Welcome, Andrew Zehner, and many thanks in advance for stepping up and helping our community paper!