Despite record bad weather, Charlotte community continues to help with food insecurity
Summer is in full swing. Despite record high temperatures and torrential rains, the Charlotte community continues to support those who experience food insecurity, and our food shelf has many exciting works in progress.
The Charlotte Grange is kicking off a special food and funds drive July 23-30, in honor of Karen Doris and her 31 years of food shelf volunteerism and leadership. During this special time and through the end of the month, tax-deductible financial donations are appreciated and can be made at the food shelf website, or via check to Charlotte Food Shelf, P.O. Box 83, Charlotte, VT 05445.
Nonperishable food may be donated at the Grange on the Green Concert at the town green in West Charlotte, 5-7 p.m., Thursday, July 25. For more information about the Grange and its programs, see We are grateful to the Grange for organizing this community thank you to Karen, which will provide vital support to the food shelf as it acknowledges the exceptional volunteerism within our community.

Champlain Valley Union High students have been wonderful friends of the food shelf and we want to thank two, Tabitha Bastress and Nik Blasius, who have volunteered at the food shelf for the last two years and who are heading off to college in the fall with our good wishes. It has been a pleasure to have them volunteer, and we look forward to working with future student volunteers.
The food shelf is the grateful recipient of a Vermonters Feeding Vermonters grant through the Vermont Foodbank, which both supports local producers and provides fresh, local products to our food shelf families. We appreciate working with collaborating partners Frog Song Farm and Adam’s Berry Farm.
Farm Stand Together is another partner that provides vital support to the food shelf’s mission. Farm Stand Together works with local organic farmers to provide gift cards to our families to use for buying local produce at designated farm stands. It also gives a generous gift card to the food shelf to purchase local produce for distribution.
Farm Stand Together is sponsoring a fun community event Sunday, July 28, 1-3 p.m., at Adam’s Berry Farm. Come for live music, face painting, balloon artistry and to learn about this partnership and support the efforts.
We very much appreciate donations from Tim Hotaling, Jocelyn Schermerhorn, Margaret Berlin, Kathleen Nolan and the Charlotte Congregational Church.
Thanks also to all those gardeners who were moved to plant with a plan to donate to the food shelf. Those who grow, can still plant a row. Donations from community gardeners, such as spinach, lettuce and green beans, play a vital role in ensuring a supply of nutritious, fresh food. Produce can be donated beginning at 3 p.m. on distribution Wednesday.
The following donations of nonperishables are always helpful: snack foods, paper products and condiments.
Food is provided at 403 Church Hill Road, behind the Charlotte Congregational Church on the second and fourth Wednesday (4-6 p.m.) and second and fourth Saturday (9-11 a.m.) of each month. For emergency food, to schedule drop-offs or if you cannot come to the food shelf due to illness, please call 802- 425-2402.
Charlotte Food Shelf and Assistance also provides limited utility, rent, medical or dental, school supply and other emergency assistance to residents of Charlotte and North Ferrisburgh. If you or someone you know is facing unexpected hardship, help is available. Simply call 802-425-2402 or fill out a request form. Request forms are available during food shelf open hours.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors