Charlotte Central School spends week honoring staff

May 6-10, national Teacher Appreciation Week, was celebrated at Charlotte Central School and across the Champlain Valley School District. The school’s PTO and administration organized many events to honor all the members of the school community.

Monday, May 6, the administrative assistants (Naomi Strada, Cindy LaWare and Kathie Wagner) who keep the school running each day were celebrated.

Tuesday, May 7, was National Teachers’ Day, honoring classroom teachers, special educators and essential arts educators.

Wednesday, May 8, celebrated National School Nurse Day, along with school counselors and bus drivers.

Thursday, May 9, was a day to honor support staff, custodians and the behavior system team.

Friday, May 10, was a day to show appreciation for the cafeteria crew on National School Lunch Hero Day.

At the end of the week, the school administration planned a game show with prizes and treats each day. There were creative ideas and special privileges for many of the prizes, including gifts and gift cards from local businesses. The acknowledgements showered on the staff during the week not only brought joy, it helped energize the school through the final weeks of school.

Little things
In addition to celebrating the day-to-day work of the staff at Charlotte Central School, it’s worth thinking about the little things happening behind the scenes:

The custodian dug through the compost bins twice this week to search for the retainers of two different students

An educator created a space for a student to make a bracelet so he could donate it to the Staff Game Show

A bus driver drove double routes to cover for a colleague who was sick

The retired educators who returned to the classroom to share their expertise of Charlotte’s history

The teachers who juggle their current class of students in order to visit younger students in daycare centers to build a strong connection before they come to CCS.

The administrators at each door, greeting students and families as the day begins

Educators teaching for lifelong learning and how to stay curious.

The school administration expressed its deep appreciation for all of the public school employees who show up every day, unconditionally caring for each other and their students, and who believe in their role as stewards of the future.

Arbor Day
Charlotte Central School celebrated Arbor Day with an assembly led by the first grade. Those students shared facts about Arbor Day as well as important things trees provide for the world. They even shared a few tree riddles.

In addition, a special thank you was extended to Charlie Proutt of Horsford Garden & Nursery for the donation of a bur oak tree for the school grounds. Proutt has been donating trees for many years to Charlotte Central School and the school community is very grateful for his generosity.

He also led the tree-planting ceremony where kindergarten students, with the assistance of the seventh and eighth grade Student Council Ambassadors, finished planting the tree. The kindergarten students will get to watch the bur oak tree grow over the years, and one day, as eighth graders will be able to help a future kindergarten plant their own tree.

Upcoming school events
Monday, May 20, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
— Spring Concert, fifth-eighth grade band and chorus, Multi-Purpose Room, Note: This is a change in date.

Thursday, May 23, 7 p.m. — Champlain Valley School District Jazz Festival (Charlotte Central School Jazz Band will be performing), CVU auditorium.

Wednesday, June 5, 12:20-1 p.m. — Discover Jazz Fest (Charlotte Central School Jazz Band will be performing), Church Street, Burlington.

Thursday, June 6, 5:30-6:35 p.m. — Charlotte Central School Band and Chorus perform national anthem at Lake Monsters game, Centennial Field, Burlington.