Staff appreciation days at Charlotte Central School

PTO and administration organized events for Staff Appreciation Week, May 1-5, to show gratitude to the staff.

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For each of the Appreciation Week days, students drew pictures, wrote a poem, sang a song or brought in flowers. Monday was Administrative Assistants Day, while on Tuesday, classroom teachers, special educators and essential arts educators were celebrated on National Teachers’ Day. Wednesday was National School Nurse Day, as well as a day to honor school counselors and bus drivers, while Thursday is the day to celebrate support staff, custodians and the behavior system team. Friday will be National School Lunch Hero Day. The PTO luncheon is scheduled for Friday.

Jazz Band at Discover Jazz Festival
The Charlotte Central School Jazz Band will perform as part of Burlington’s Discover Jazz Festival on Wednesday, June 7, on the Mall Block of Church Street 1:40- 2:20 p.m. This culminates a year of dedication and hard work by the students.

Also, don’t forget about the Charlotte Central School chorus, the fifth, sixth and seventh-eighth grade and jazz bands in concert on Wednesday, May 17, 6:30 p.m. in the Multi-purpose Room.

The Charlotte Central School bands and choruses will also be performing the national anthem at the Lake Monsters’ game at Burlington’s Centennial Field on May 24.

Family Math Night
Wednesday, May 10, 6-7:30 p.m. will be an opportunity for kids and parents to have fun with math. Math enthusiasts of all ages will gather in the Multi-purpose Room for a free evening of games, raffles, prizes and more. For those interested in attending, they should RSVP to [email protected]. Please include the name of each child who will attend.

The school district’s community education program, ACCESS CVU, is asking for your nomination. They are competing in the “Seven Daysies,” where locals pick the best of Vermont. Nominate ACCESS CVU by going to and clicking on the Seven Daysies link on the upper right of the home page through May 7. The program is competing in the categories of Best Place To Take an Arts Class, under the “services” section, and Best Cooking Class in the “Food” category.

For the latest information on ACCESS CVU you may sign up for the ACCESS CVU Newsletter or follow on Instagram. On the website is the current course catalog where a number of spring classes still have open enrollment.

ACCESS CVU has also started to plan for the fall semester and is accepting new instructors. You can find the New Instructor Form near the bottom of the website or call ACCESS CVU for more details at 802-482-7194.