Belated ice cream day celebration with sundae on Monday

Be of good cheer. Feb. 1 is Ice Cream for Breakfast Day!

And here’s the good news: Whether you celebrate with an ice cream breakfast or not, you can enjoy an ice cream sundae at Monday Munch on Feb. 6300The sundae, with chocolate sauce, was invented at an ice cream parlor in Two Rivers, Michigan. At least that’s what the folks in the Dairy State say. You’ll find a different story in Ithica, New York. Here are two different accounts of sundae drama:

Pasties have an interesting history. Rest assured that Charlotte Senior Center cooks do not follow the medieval tradition of filling the pasty with whole birds or fish. On fast days they used porpoise.

Writers from Shakespeare to F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote of pasties. Famous for his 17th century diary, Samuel Pepys wrote, “Dined at Sir W. Pen’s … on a damned venison pasty, that stunk like a devil.”

The young wizards of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series are enthusiastic about pumpkin pasties. But take a look at this 1940s playground rhyme:

“Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ate a pasty 5-feet long,
Bit it once, bit it twice. Oh my Lord, it’s full of mice.”

Though pasty recipes can be found as early as 13th century in France, Cornish pasties date back to 17th and 18th century England where they became especially popular with miners, who found it useful to have food that didn’t require cutlery.

Miners who emigrated to the U.S. brought their pasty tradition with them. Miners also introduced the pasty to Mexico, and in Hidalgo you can enjoy the International Pasty Festival (Festival Internacional del Paste). There, pasty fillings might include tongue, brain, sausage, beans and yellow cheese. Not to worry: The Monday Munch crew at the Charlotte Senior Center have listed their tasty pasty ingredients.

Monday, Jan. 30
No meal today at the Charlotte Senior Center, but officially, it’s Croissant Day, so celebrate.
Register for Thursday’s Grab & Go Meal or 802-425-6345

Thursday, Feb. 2, 10-11 a.m.
Age Well Grab & Go meal pick up Menu.

Monday, Feb 6, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Monday Munch
Individual Cornish pasties (potato, carrots, onions, and hamburger), cranberry-sesame spinach salad, cranberry juice with seltzer, ice cream sundaes with chocolate sauce and homemade sugar cookies.

Lighten your step with “Dancing with the Stars,” a fun article in The New York Times. Using this gift link, you can read it without a subscription.

For more dancing fun, “Old Movie Stars Dance to Uptown Funk” is sure to inspire you to look for some of these golden oldie films.

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors