Library welcomes program, book ideas for new year

Thank you to all who helped to make 2022 one of the best years at the Charlotte Library. We were delighted to open our doors completely and welcome everyone back. From the gardens to the bookshelves to the program room, community support and interest made things happen here.

If you have a program idea or a book suggestion in this New Year, we would love to know about it so please be in touch. In the meantime, we hope to see you at one of the programs or book discussions at the library this month.

Resolved to do more reading this year? Start out with the Winter Reading Challenge. From Jan. 1-31, Vermonters are challenged to read and log at least 20 minutes per day. Register here.

Experience all the feels this winter: Explore the importance of emotions, learn about the history of emojis and discover fun activities to express yourself fully — all while earning badges on a virtual bingo card.

Children’s programs

Young children’s story time
Tuesdays, 10 a.m.
No registration required.

Kindergarten/first grade story time
Tuesdays, 3 p.m., Jan. 17-Feb 21
This after-school program has a few openings for this session. If you were part of the last group in the fall, you are on a waiting list.

Preschool free play
Wednesdays, 10 a.m.
Exploring the sensory table, sorting, playing with blocks, play dough — these are a few of the open-ended projects planned for Wednesday morning play-based learning at the Charlotte Library. Ages 2-4. No registration required.

Vermont Fish & Wildlife scat and track family program
Get outside this winter and explore the Vermont landscape in a unique way. Each week for four weeks, your family will watch a pre-recorded video highlighting a particular critter focusing on the habitat, life cycle and identification before diving into how to locate signs of the species.

Then head outside to see what you can find and record in a nature journal.

The species covered this year will be white-footed mouse, ruffed grouse, mink and skunk. Vermont Fish and Wildlife have informative videos on their website to learn more about different Vermont species highlighted in past years.

Pick up a packet at the Charlotte Library and make sure to leave your email so the weekly videos can be sent to your family.

Programs for adults

Book discussion: Our Better Nature
Mondays, Jan. 9-Feb. 6, 7 p.m.
Grounded in experience and science, Our Better Nature: Hopeful Excursions in Saving Biodiversity presents readers with stories, essays and resources to guide and inspire action in favor of nature everywhere. This beautiful new book inspires individuals and communities to carry Vermont’s thriving framework for sustaining biodiversity beyond all borders and into meaningful actions that protect nature around the world. At the final session, Feb. 6, we’ll be joined by Eric Hagen and other contributors.

Books are available to borrow or purchase through the library.

Stillwater Meditation
Saturdays starting Jan. 14, 10 a.m.
Beginning and experienced meditators are welcome. Come to one, many or all meetings. No registration necessary. Stillwater Meditation is an offering of Rain Elizabeth Healing Arts.

Book Chat
Wednesdays, 3 p.m., Jan. 11-25
Meet each week to discuss new books, old books and books we might have missed. Each week, Margaret selects a theme and highlights related titles from the library collection. No registration necessary.

Mystery book group: The Verifiers
Monday, Jan. 16, 10 a.m.
Copies of the book by Jane Pek are available at the library circulation desk.

Short story selections
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1 p.m.
Join Library Director, Margaret Woodruff, to share and discuss short stories old and new. The reading list will include a variety of authors and two to three stories will be featured each session. Copies of the stories are available at the library circulation desk or via email. Register here.

A Conversation about parenting young children
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7 p.m.
What is your child’s behavior trying to tell you? What are age-appropriate expectations? How to handle life’s challenges and transitions. Recognizing and dealing with anxiety in young children.
Maya Burr, early childhood interventionist and author of Little Siblings, Big Feelings, will discuss and explore. Register here.

Men’s book group:
Fun Home
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7:30 p.m.
Copies of Alison Bechdel’s book are available at the library circulation desk. Discussion via Zoom.

Your electronic waste:
Where does it go?
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 7 p.m.
Many Charlotters have left their electronic waste at the Charlotte Library recycle bin or brought it to Charlotte Central School on Green-Up Day. Come learn about the amazing journey of that waste from Charlotte to Good Point Recycling in Middlebury and beyond from Good Point’s owner, Robin Ingenthron. Register here for the Zoom discussion.

Book discussion group:
This is Happiness
Thursday, Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m.
Copies of the book by Niall Williams are available at the library circulation desk. Via Zoom.

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors