This is a little nudge
We may not have ever met but I’m pretty sure about one thing: you’re busy. I get it. AND you’ve got a lot of demands on your time and calls for your money.
That’s why this is a gentle reminder that your independent, nonprofit community newspaper needs your financial support right now. For a limited time, NewsMatch is doubling your donation of up to $1,000. For instance, your online contribution of $20 a month is worth $480 a year to The Charlotte News right now (but only through the end of the year).
It costs a lot of money to produce a “free,” bi-weekly newspaper, weekly email newsletter and website. Roughly $1,250 a month. Your contribution is an investment in a stronger, local newspaper and a stronger community.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the one hundred plus people who have already given gifts just since this campaign began, November 1st. Many thanks! Won’t you join them?
And by the way, if you have any questions about The Charlotte News, our publisher, John Quinney, is more than happy to chat. Me, too.
Thanks for your support!
Claudia Marshall
Chair, Fundraising Committee
If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.
Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors