We have much to be thankful for
What a difference a year makes in the life of a community newspaper.
Just 12 months ago, deep in year two of the pandemic, we learned that our editor was leaving.
After working with six editors in nine years, we knew that the position wasn’t a part-time gig, despite being billed as such. So, we asked you — our friends, neighbors, readers and donors — to provide the funds that we needed to hire the paper’s first, full-time editor.
You came through for us. Thanks to your remarkable generosity, and to a NewsMatch grant, we were able to hire Scooter MacMillan as our full-time editor earlier this year.
He joined the hardworking, talented team that makes this paper happen. You met them in the last edition of the paper — our employees, proofreaders, community writers, freelancers and volunteers. They are a remarkable group of people, and I am deeply thankful to them for their contributions to The Charlotte News and to the life of this town.
We couldn’t do this without our donors and advertisers!
These days, it costs about $150,000 to publish 25 issues of the paper a year, to distribute our weekly emails, to maintain and develop our website and to manage our social media presence. Together, our advertisers and donors provide the revenue that is needed to cover these costs.
In the last 15 years, more than 20 percent of this country’s newspapers have closed as advertising revenues have disappeared, and digital has replaced print.
We’re bucking the trend. The Charlotte News is the only paper (and website!) devoted solely to covering our town. It remains independent and nonprofit —and is the oldest community newspaper in Vermont; next year marks our 65th year in business.
Our longevity is a tribute to this caring and generous community, one that knows the value of local news and is willing to provide the support that keeps the presses rolling.
Thank you, Charlotte.
Happy Thanksgiving.
If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.
Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors