As seasonal chill sets in, activities blooming

As the beauty of fall foliage is all around us and the mornings get chilly, many activities are blooming at the senior center for the final weeks of October.

There is an AARP Safe Drivers program, an Autumn Inspiration Coffee & Canvas workshop and a free evening introductory meditation class.

Starting in November, there will be a free Bone Builders exercise class that meets twice weekly, a presentation with poet and author Dan Close about Charlotte Park and Wildlife Refuge and a second session of evening Beginner Guitar.

Interested in receiving a weekly reminder about what is happening at the senior center? Sign up for the email newsletters. The “Week Ahead” email is sent out on Friday mornings with activities, lunch menus and special programming for the upcoming week.

Photo by Lori York An artist reception at the Senior Art Show.
Photo by Lori York. An artist reception at the Senior Art Show.

Artist reception
Join us for an artists’ reception
on Friday, Nov. 4, 1-2:30 p.m.
The Friday morning arts group’s exhibit includes multiple artists with a variety of mediums. Meet the artists, view the exhibit and enjoy some light refreshments. The Friday morning arts group will be exhibiting through the end of November. This group meets on Friday mornings for coffee, conversation — and inspiration.

Presentations and programs

Learn to meditate
Tuesday, Oct. 25, 7-8 p.m.
Interested in learning more about meditation? Then plan on attending this free introduction to meditation class. During these trying times everyone needs a place to go for quiet, peace, balance and understanding. Meditation can be that refuge in the storm of this world. During this class you will learn about what meditation is, you will be led through some simple relaxation, breathing techniques and then will experience guided meditation with eyes closed. There will be time for questions as well. No experience necessary and participants will be seated in chairs or on the floor, depending on your preference. Contact Charlie Nardozzi with any questions.

AARP Smart Driver course
Wednesday, Oct. 26,
10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
The AARP Smart Driver course is designed especially for drivers age 50 and older, will help with refreshing driving skills, and may even help save money on auto insurance. Members can take the course at a discounted rate. Please plan to bring lunch. Register early as class size is limited to 15. Checks should be made out to AARP. The cost is $25 or $20 for AARP members. Register by Friday, Oct. 21.

Coffee & Canvas–Autumn Inspiration
Friday, Oct. 21, 10:30 a.m.–noon.
Unlike traditional Paint & Sips, this “Coffee & Canvas” will allow for exploring and creating a unique painting. But don’t worry—there will be plenty of autumn inspiration from landscapes to still life objects from nature. No prior painting experience needed. All materials included. The cost is $25. Register by Wednesday, Oct. 19.

Guitar — Beginner II
Wednesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30,
Dec. 7 and 14, 7-8 p.m.
Interested in learning guitar? Join us for adult guitar lessons on Wednesday evenings at the senior center. This class is for those who have a basic understanding of beginner guitar and is a continuation of the fall beginner guitar six-week class. If you have questions about whether this class would be appropriate for your specific skill level, please reach out to John Creech. Registration required by Monday, Oct. 31. The cost is $75 for the six-week session.

Poetry about Charlotte Park and Wildlife Refuge
Thursday, Nov. 3, 1 p.m.
Join Dan Close, poet and novelist and member of the Poetry Society of Vermont, Burlington Writers and Peace Corps Writers, as he presents his poetry about the Charlotte Park and Wildlife Refuge. The reading will be accompanied by slides of the wildlife refuge.

Shape-note singing
Sunday, Nov. 6, 1-3 p.m.
Traditional acapella, four-part harmony sung for the joy of singing … not as a practice for performance. Search “sacred harp” on YouTube for examples, then come and sing with us. Introduction to shape notes and scales is recommended and offered 30 minutes before each first Sunday singing. Contact Kerry Cullinan to schedule. There is no cost.

Exercise classes

Fridays, 8-9 a.m.
Meditation is an easy-to-learn practice that reduces anxiety, stress, pain and depression. Charlie Nardozzi will lead the class in techniques to quiet the body and mind by doing simple breathing exercises and a seated, eyes-closed guided meditation. All are welcome, no experience necessary. The cost is $10 a class. No registration required.

Bone Builders
Starting Nov. 1, Tuesdays and Fridays, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
RSVP Bone Builders, a program of United Way of Northwest Vermont, is a no-impact, weight-training program designed to prevent and even reverse the negative effects of osteoporosis in older adults. Bone Builders consists of a warmup, balance exercises, arm and leg exercises, and a cool down with stretching. No cost or pre-registration required, but there will be paperwork to complete for the RSVP Bone Builders program.

The senior center offers daily exercise programs for a wide range of fitness and activity levels. A complete list of exercise programs and class descriptions is on the website.


Menus are posted on the website.

Monday Lunches
Served weekly. Lunch is served 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or until the food runs out. No registration required. Suggested lunch donation $5.

Weekly Age Well Grab & Go meals
Pick up on Thursdays 10-11 a.m. at the Charlotte Senior Center. October menus are posted on the Charlotte Senior Center website. Registration is required by Monday for the Thursday meal. To register, contact Kerrie Pughe by email or at 802-425-6345. Suggested meal donation is $5. Please note, as of Oct. 1, all current participants will need to complete an Age Well Congregate Meal Registration Form for Age Well’s 2023 fiscal year. There will be copies available at the Senior Center and on the Age Well website.

Senior Center contact info
Lori York, director
Kerrie Pughe, coordinator
212 Ferry Road, Charlotte

Follow the senior center on Facebook or Instagram.

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors