Thank you Erika and Jonathan Bearman
On Aug. 29, The Charlotte News sent out a last-minute email to supporters and friends of the newspaper, asking for the gifts needed to reach the summer fundraising campaign goal, which included this offer:
“If you’re the amazing and generous person whose gift gets us to the $1,000 we need to reach our goal, we’ll publish your name, and our thanks, in the next issue of The Charlotte News.”
The Charlotte News is delighted to report that Erika and Jonathan Bearman’s gift put the newspaper over the finish line. Thanks to them and another 100 generous readers, Charlotte’s community newspaper exceeded its goal.
The Charlotte News is so grateful for this support and for what it means for your paper — more stories of community life and history, more coverage of town government, plus a few surprises still in the planning stages.
Our thanks come with best wishes for a long, beautiful end to summer and for a colorful fall.