Memorial Day remembrance ceremony on Town Green
Memorial Day is a federal holiday which calls us to remember those men and women who died while in U.S. military service at home and abroad during times of armed conflict and war. Not only do their families and friends feel the loss of their loved ones, but the nation formally acknowledges and honors this sacrifice.
This year Charlotte Grange will hold a public remembrance ceremony to honor those with Charlotte connections who died in armed conflict, gathering on the Charlotte Town Green Monday, May 30, at 9 a.m. to read out the names of those identified through public records, in addition to those requested by family and friends living here.
Speaking their names is intended to be a powerful reminder that they were all individual people just like us, with family and friends, hopes, dreams, loves and commitments, fears, talents and frailties. Service to their country put them in harm’s way and they died because of it. We do not want to forget them or their sacrifice.
Charlotters are invited to participate in a number of ways:
- Send us names of family members or friends you wish to have included;
- Offer to help read out the approximately 125 names of Charlotters we currently have;
- Come, stand with us and bear witness;
- Bring your family and have follow-up conversations;
- Encourage family or friends who are veterans or currently serving in the military to participate.
- Please send your information or questions to the Grange by May 25.
Note that, as usual, just prior to Memorial Day weekend, Charlotte Grange will be placing U.S. flags on the known graves of men and women who served in the U.S. military.