Take your palate globe trotting at Munches
After a good dinner, one can forgive anybody, even one’s relations
—Oscar Wilde
The world definitely looks better after good meals with good conversation at the Charlotte Senior Center. April Monday Munches offer a rich, globe-spanning variety—from stroganoff to salsa.
Monday Munch, April 11, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. or until the food is gone.
Be aware of the popularity of these meals. Takeout is available. A $5 donation is suggested. Volunteers are needed!
Menu: Ground beef stroganoff, green salad, almond cake with whipped cream and fruit.
This famous beef dish got its name from 19th century diplomat Count Pavel Stroganov, but he neither invented nor cooked it. Russians usually attached the names of famous households, not chefs, to their noteworthy cuisine.
Over the years, the dish has varied: Henrietta Nesbitt, FDR’s executive housekeeper, put it in “The Presidential Cookbook;” Campbell’s Soup published “Souper Stroganoff,” calling for a can of mushroom soup; Better Homes & Gardens published Mitch Miller’s version. In her cookbook, Alice May Broch noted, “This was probably the most popular dish in the restaurant.” Yes, that restaurant, the one Arlo Guthrie made famous.
Thursday, April 14, Men’s Monthly Breakfast: 7–9 a.m.
A busy day. Check the Senior Center for the program and sign up for the good food and good company. Please register by April 12. Contact Tim McCullough. Suggested donation $5.
Thursday, April 21, Grab-and-Go. Pick up 11 a.m.-noon
Baked ham with raisin sauce, sweet potatoes, Capri blend vegetables, dinner roll, Easter cake.
Remember: for these Thursday meals, you need to register by Monday. Call 802-425-6371 or email Lori York.
There is no charge for Grab-and-Go meals, but Age Well always appreciates donations.
Monday Munch, April 17, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Mexican taquitos with mango salsa, rice with black beans, cole slaw, chocolate chip pudding fudge cake with blueberry sauce.
Thursday, April 21 Grab-and-Go
Beef with barbecue sauce, baked beans, broccoli florets, dinner roll, pumpkin cookie.
Although these Thursday meals come ready made, please know that the Charlotte Senior Center needs volunteer hosts and servers, as well as Monday cooks and dishwashers. People are agitating for a return of the great Wednesday meals. This cannot happen without volunteers!
Let’s celebrate Monday’s blueberry sauce. Robert McCloskey’s “Blueberries for Sal” makes a great read for a young child in your life. There are many recordings of the song. Here are a few links:
Gene Krupa
Glenn Miller
Gene Autry
Fats Domino
Elvis Presley
Elton John
The Beach Boys
Every time Richie made a connection on “Happy Days,” viewers heard “Blueberry Hill.”
Finally, Vladimir Putin provides a sour note.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors