Calendar of events – March 24 – April 7, 2022
Please email us your event listings.
Weather cancellations and COVID guidelines are available on individual websites.
Hunting: Breaking the stereotype
Today, March 24, noon
Experienced hunters, as well as those wishing to get involved in hunting, will enjoy an online discussion presented by The Nature Conservancy. This free talk will focus on connections to the land through hunting traditions, and the ways hunting can be enjoyed and accessed by individuals in the community. Click to pre-register.
Traditional music and dance
Friday, March 25, 7 p.m.
Timeless melodies are interwoven with lyrical and deft traditional Irish dance at a concert at the Richmond Free Library with Allison de Groot, Nic Gareiss and Winslow Solomon. Presented by Young Tradition Vermont and the Garrett School of Irish Dance, the performance features old- time banjo and fiddle for foot-stomping entertainment. Buy tickets or for more info.
The Seeds of Vandana Shiva
Friday, March 25-30
Rural Vermont offers a free screening of this new award-winning documentary. The movie looks at the remarkable life of Gandhian eco-activist Vandana Shiva and her fight against corporate industrial agriculture. The film screens between March 25-30. The movie is followed by a free online panel discussion on Wednesday, March 30, 7-8:30 p.m., with board members and staff of Rural Vermont. For the movie link or panel registration. For more info call 802-223-7222.
Audubon Society Lakewatch
Saturday, March 26, 8-11 a.m.
Now is a great time for local birding, watching for species that are returning after their migration north. Join the Green Mountain Audubon Society for Lakewatch. Observe birds, starting at Shelburne Bay fishing access and driving (or carpooling) south to several stops, ending around Fort Cassin Point. Bring scopes or binoculars and dress to be outside. More info or to register.
All about crabapples
Saturday, March 26, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Learn the best pruning techniques and test your skills in the crabapple collection at the University of Vermont Horticulture Farm. Bring loppers and pruners. Dress for an outside workshop. Pre-register.
Family Art Saturday
Saturday, March 26, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Families are invited to drop in at Burlington City Arts on Church Street to create art inspired by current exhibitor Eric Aho’s grand paintings of the natural world. Aho’s current exhibition, Headwater, features big-as-life semi-abstract works. Free program for ages 3 and older. For more info call 802-865-7166.
Unpacked: Refugee Baggage
Saturday, March 26, 12:30-2 p.m.
Take an in-depth tour of this multi-media art installation at the University of Vermont’s Fleming Museum. The thought-provoking work, a collaboration between Mohamed Hafez and Ahmed Badr, looks to humanize what it means to be a refugee. Their pieces are stories of real people, violence and war, triumph and resilience. The tour with Alice Boone requires pre-registration at For more info call 802-656-5817.
Pruner’s workshop
Saturday, March 26, 2-4 p.m.
Practice while you learn from Tom Shea during a workshop at the University of Vermont Horticulture Research Center, also known as the Hort Farm, in S. Burlington. Shea and participants use the Hort Farm collections for shrub and tree pruning instruction. This free event, sponsored by the Friends of the Hort Farm, requires pre-registration.
Pruning 101
Tuesday, March 29, 6-7:30 p.m.
Local garden expert Charlie Nardozzi leads a webinar to help homeowners tackle their own pruning jobs. Nardozzi discusses tools, timing, and proper techniques for caring for shrubs and trees, whether young or overgrown. More info or to register.
Climate Change: Global Issues, Community Response
Wednesday, March 30, 6 p.m.
As part of its Winter Wednesdays Speaker Series, the South Hero Land Trust presents a free educational webinar. Three climate change professionals present different perspectives on this far-reaching issue in a panel discussion. Register.
Lucioni: Modern Light
Wednesday, March 30, 6 p.m.
This webinar, with Shelburne Museum curator Katie Wood Kirchhoff, coincides with the launch of an online exhibition of works by Lucioni. Kirchhoff talks about his life, his local connections, and his realistic scenes, many of which were painted in Vermont. A museum exhibition will open to visitors in June. To register or for more info.
Media Literacy Take 2
Wednesday, March 30, 7-8 p.m.
Join the conversation with Adam Davidson, Chea Waters-Evans, and Jesse Wegman about media literacy: misinformation, conspiracy theorists, and declining trust in news sources. Pre- register.
Old forests in plain sight
Wednesday, March 30, 7-8 p.m.
The Vermont Land Trust presents a free webinar which gives participants a virtual tour of unusual examples of old forests in Vermont. Register or for more info.
Five women Olympians
Thursday, March 31, 7 p.m.
The Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe hosts a panel discussion with five women Olympians, many of them Vermonters. They helped pave the way for today’s medal-winning women Nordic Olympians. The five speakers are featured in the book Trail to Gold: The Journey of 53 Women Skiers, a volume of bios and stories of their journeys as female athletes. A donation is suggested for this Zoom event. Reserve a ticket.
An evening With Paul Asbell
Thursday, March 31, 7-8:30 p.m.
Musician Paul Asbell has been on the Vermont music scene since the 1970s, writing and playing a mix of blues/folk/jazz. An internationally recognized finger-style guitarist, Asbell’s free performance will highlight the history and evolution of the American guitar. He’ll perform at the Mahaney Arts Center at Middlebury College to a vaccinated, boosted and masked audience. More info.
Me and My Guy dance
Friday, April 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
This dance at the Shelburne Town Gym has evolved into a dance for all children (grades kindergarten through fifth grade) with their special person (Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, etc.). For tickets or more info or call 802-985-9551.
Friday, April 1, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Metalwerx will present a recital of the University of Vermont. The tuba/euphonium quartet features students and faculty in a free performance that “showcases the awesomeness of the tuba family.” The recital hall is off North Prospect Street in Burlington. For more info call 802-656-3040.
Celebrating Charlotte
Saturday, April 2 -Saturday, April 9
The Charlotte Grange will hold its online auction, featuring products, services and other valuable items donated by local individuals. This is the primary fundraiser for this revered local organization that has helped bring the community together for over 100 years.
Pride hike
Sunday, April 3, 1-3 p.m.
Wander the trails at Shelburne Farms at an easy pace, visit the lambs, enjoy the scenery. All ages and families welcome. Meet at the Farm Barn parking lot; bring snacks and water. Dress for ice and mud. For info, or to register.
No Strings Marionette Company
Sunday, April 3, 2 p.m.
The Barre Opera House hosts a production of the classic Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden.” Mythical figures, animals and humans weave a magical story about the changing seasons. For tickets or more info or call 802-476-8188.
Middlebury Bach Festival
Sunday, April 3, 3-5 p.m.
The Mahaney Arts Center at Middlebury College hosts this concert, featuring students, faculty and guest artists. The free, live performance welcomes guests who are vaccinated, boosted and masked.
The Bombadils
Sunday, April 3, 4-6 p.m.
These Canadian Folk Music Award nominees bring together bluegrass, Celtic and singer- songwriter traditions with front-porch style and classical grace. Hailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, they perform at the Richmond Congregational Church for a live or streaming performance. For tickets or more info or call 802-434-4563.
1800 and Froze to Death
Wednesday, April 6, 6 p.m.
Vermont author and historian Howard Coffin speaks in person at the Worthen Library in South Hero. His free presentation focuses on the dark and cold year of 1816, which Vermonters called “the year of monthly frosts.” For more info or call 802-372-6209.
Artist talk
Wednesday, April 6, 6-7 p.m.
Vermont-based and internationally acclaimed artist Eric Aho is a current exhibitor at Burlington City Arts on Church Street. In this free virtual program, Aho discusses his approach to painting, his influences and the landscape that inspires his work. Aho’s exhibit is called Headwater. To register or for more info.
Climate change gardening
Wednesday, April 6, 6-7:30 p.m.
This series of three Wednesday panel discussions highlights our local food systems and long- term strategies for creating solutions to growing challenges. Virtual meetings also on April 13 and April 20. Each evening features a diverse group of knowledgeable panelists. For more info or to register.
Improving habitat for Vermont’s black bears
Thursday, April 7, noon-1 p.m.
Jackie Comeau, a biologist at the Vermont Fish & Wildlife department, discusses ways to discourage bears from backyards, and the habitat needs for bears in Vermont. Loss of habitat is of great concern to future bear populations. Registration required.
The Pringle Herbarium
Cyrus Pringle, self-taught plant breeder and botanist born in East Charlotte in 1838, is the namesake of the Pringle Herbarium at the University of Vermont. Vermont’s principal botanical collection includes over 350,000 sheets of mounted plants and fungi (now all digital) from Vermont and most other continents. Pringle himself is known for the discovery of at least 1200 species new to science. Established in 1902, the Herbarium is open to visitors by appointment. Call 802-656-3221 or email.