Zoning administrator resigns

For the second time this year, the town will be on the hunt for a new Zoning Administrator.

In a letter addressed to the Selectboard, current ZA Wendy Pelletier resigned unexpectedly Tuesday. The News obtained a copy of Pelletier’s resignation letter and has reprinted it here in full.

“We’re very sorry that Wendy is leaving,” said Town Administrator Dean Bloch in an email. “She really hit the ground running, and she hasn’t stopped! She brought engineering experience, a keen eye for detail, diligence, persistence, an even temperament and a sense of humor. She accomplished a lot during her relatively short time here, and she will be missed.”

In her resignation letter Pelletier noted that “[t]here are members of the Charlotte Community who speculate on the motives of public officials,” but insisted that her reasons for leaving the job were personal and “not related to the creation of the DRB, which I support.”

In an interview with The News last May, Pelletier said she hoped to serve as ZA “for the long haul.”

Pelletier wrote that she would be available “as an hourly resource” from Dec. 20 to 30 to complete specific tasks for the town and might also be available after the new year to help train the new ZA.

“The last eight months have certainly been enlightening and have provided me with a new perspective,” Pelletier wrote, without expanding further.


December 7, 2021

To:  Members of the Town of Charlotte Selectboard and Dean Bloch, Charlotte Town Administrator
RE: Wendy Pelletier – Notice of Resignation

As some of you are aware, the last eight months have been very stressful in my personal life and occasionally challenging in my work life. Dean and several others have shown consistent kindness and support to me and that has been greatly appreciated. However, I must announce that I will be resigning all my positions with the Town of Charlotte (Zoning Administrator, Wastewater Control Officer, and Town Health Officer) effective at noon on December 17, 2021.

There are many things that I enjoyed about my work in Charlotte: meeting and assisting permit applicants, reviewing plans, inspecting project sites, interpreting regulations, and learning about Act 143 while meeting Charlotte farmers with Accessory on Farm Businesses.

There are members of the Charlotte community who speculate on the motives of public officials. I would like to be clear on my motives for making this change. My departure is:

  1. Primarily a way to reduce my commitments and allow me to focus on critical family issues.
  2. Timed to coincide with a slower workload period in the P&Z office.
  3. Timed to coincide with the completion of several key tasks.
  4. Not related to the creation of the DRB, which I fully support.
  5. Not related to any Notice of Violation which was issued by me

I hope the town residents and the Selectboard will consider new approaches to the work of the Planning and Zoning Department. The professional staff can be trusted to develop and implement (with required voter approval) changes which will improve life in Charlotte, the efficiency of the permit review/approval process and the clarity of our land use regulation’s purpose.

From December 20 to 30, 2021, I may be available as an hourly resource to complete specific tasks, as my other responsibilities permit. Next year, if desired, I may be available for a few hours to assist my successor in understanding and preparing for some of the challenges of the job. The last eight months have certainly been enlightening and have provided me with a new perspective. I wish all of you, the town of Charlotte staff and community all the best for the future.


Wendy Pelletier

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