Library News – August 26, 2021

Library Reminders
Time to mask up
Due to the increase in COVID cases in Chittenden county and in alignment with guidelines from CDC, the Charlotte Library will hold all public programs on Zoom through the month of September. Please feel free to contact the library with any questions or concerns. All registration information will be available in our calendar listings on the library website. We appreciate your help and support as we all work to keep our community safe.

September is Library Card  Sign-Up Month
Here’s the word from the American Library Association: Marley Dias, author, executive producer, and founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks, is joining the American Library Association and libraries nationwide in promoting the power of a library card this September.

As honorary chair, Dias wants to remind the public that signing up for a library card provides access to technology, multimedia content and educational programming that transforms lives and strengthens communities. “A library card provides opportunity for discovery and access to a rich and diverse world. It empowers you to make change and experience new stories,” said Dias.

Visit your library online or in person to see what’s new and take part in the celebration. Libraries across the country are participating. Do you have friends who don’t have library cards? Invite them to sign up during September. Get a Library Card.

Happening At The Library
Grange on the Greens: Will Patton TrioThursday, Sept. 9, 5 to 7 p.m.
The last concert of the season! Join us for live music on the Town Green. Activities for children provided by the Charlotte Children’s Center, sponsor of the event.

Friends Book Discussion:  All Creatures Great & SmallThursday, Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m. via Zoom
Delve into the magical, unforgettable world of James Herriot, the world’s most beloved veterinarian, and his menagerie of heartwarming, funny and tragic animal patients.

For over 40 years, generations of readers have thrilled to Herriot’s marvelous tales, deep love of life, and extraordinary storytelling abilities. For decades, Herriot roamed the remote, beautiful Yorkshire Dales, treating every patient that came his way, from smallest to largest, and observing animals and humans alike with his keen, loving eye. Copies available at the library circulation desk. Register to join us.

Charlotte Seed Library Garden ChatFriday, Sept. 10, 11 a.m. via Zoom
The garden season is winding down. Share your triumphs and get answers to your garden puzzles with Linda Hamilton and Karen Tuininga. Register on the library website.

Media Literacy Local & NationalTuesday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m. via Zoom
The word “literacy” usually describes the ability to read and write. Reading literacy and media literacy have a lot in common. Media literacy is the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they’re sending. Join veteran journalists Christina Asquith, Adam Davidson, Jack Fairweather and Jesse Wegman for a guided tour of the media landscape and how to understand it. Register here.

Men’s Book Group:
A Libertarian Walks into a BearWednesday, Sept. 15, 7 p.m.
A Libertarian Walks into a Bear is the sometimes funny, sometimes terrifying tale of what happens when a government disappears into the woods. Complete with gunplay, adventure and backstabbing politicians, this is the ultimate story of a quintessential American experiment—to live free or die, perhaps from a bear. Copies available at the library circulation desk.

For the latest information about programs, books and activity kits, sign up for our monthly newsletter: Charlotte Library Newsletter.

Library Contact Information
Margaret Woodruff, Director
Cheryl Sloan, Youth Services Librarian
Susanna Kahn, Tech Librarian
Phone: (802) 425-3864

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors