Nordic Farms food truck approved

At its August 9 regular meeting, the Selectboard approved Nordic Farms 3.0’s permit application for a food truck to operate at its farm stand on Thursdays beginning August 26 and ending October 7. The truck will serve woodfired pizza, the application said.
Nordic Farms 3.0 Facility Director Robin Jeffers, who attended the meeting on behalf of Nordic Farms 3.0 developer Will Raap, addressed concerns from the Selectboard about emergency access for fire trucks and rescue vehicles, parking, and restroom facilities. Jeffers presented a diagram indicating the farm stand will be held on the patio, which she described as “a great big concrete slab between the pole barn and the big old red barn.” She said the farm stand also features “parking galore” and portable toilet facilities.
Jeffers added that the purchase of Nordic Farms has not been completed, which is why the farm stand is not being launched until August 26.
The farm stand will be held entirely outdoors from 3 p.m. to dusk. Jeffers said the farm will comply with any new COVID-19 restrictions as they are announced.