Senior Center News – August 12, 2021

“I love how summer just wraps its arms around you like a warm blanket.”
– Kellie Elmore

A Kayak trip on July 16 at Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area. A good time was had by all and the weather cooperated. In attended were Karen Champney, Karen Peterson, Karen Costello, Raymonde Mayhew, Nancy Bretschneider, Lenice Hirschberger, Joan Mollica, Patricia Lavery and led by Kate Mesaros. (names are not in order of the photo)Photo by Kate Medaros
A Kayak trip on July 16 at Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area was a good time for all and the weather cooperated. In attended were Karen Champney, Karen Peterson, Karen Costello, Raymonde Mayhew, Nancy Bretschneider, Lenice Hirschberger, Joan Mollica, Patricia Lavery and led by Kate Mesaros. (names are not in order of the photo) Photo by Kate Medaros.

Stop in. Say hello.

Our open flag is out. We’re open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and located across from the post office. We’re getting back up to speed and there’s lots going on.

If you wish to visit or join an activity, there are some mask requirements to keep in mind. Some activities, like bridge and Mahjong, require participants to be fully vaccinated because they take place over long periods of time and in close proximity to others. Please call if you have questions.

Mask notes
Here is where things stand as of now at the Senior Center:
If you are . . .
Fully vaccinated: No mask required. No social distancing required.
Not vaccinated: Mask required  (also applies to exercise classes.) Social distancing required (six feet) (also applies to exercise classes.)
Not vaccinated and not wearing a mask (for any reason): Kindly do not plan to visit at this time. Please come see us after the mask guidance for the Center has been updated.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

Lunch schedule
Currently, the schedule for meals is somewhat irregular. We recommend calling beforehand to check if lunch is being served on a particular date. The information will be posted on the CSC website. Our café is spacious and airy, and our porch has tables with big sun umbrellas.

Monday, August 16: no lunch

Wednesday, August 18: BYOBL, at noon
The focus of this lunch is meeting friends and enjoying conversation. Come, Bring Your Own Bag Lunch (BYOBL), and enjoy some home-baked cookies and a beverage. (Any donation is welcome.)

Please sign up by Tuesday afternoon, August 17 – call (802) 425-6345 – as the baker needs to know in advance how many will be coming. If BYOBL catches on, it will be continued for future Wednesdays.

8/23, Monday Munch, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Cold yogurt and golden raisin soup, chicken and orzo salad, bread and beverage, berry crumble & ice cream.

8/25, Wednesday – luncheon served at noon by The Residence at Shelburne Bay
End of Summer BBQ – menu TBA

In-person activities and courses
We are transitioning to in-person courses in the fall. The new fall schedule will be inserted in this paper and posted on the website as of August 26.

Exercise classes take place in the Great Room. Come and check out a class one time for no charge. Classes are ongoing. There is no need to register in advance. Stop by and fill out an address form. Walk-ins are welcome. For course descriptions, please visit the website or call.
Chair Yoga – Mondays, 9:30 a.m.
Pilates Plus – Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m.
Essentrics – Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m.
Pilates – Thursdays, 8:30 a.m.
T’ai Chi (Advanced) – Thursdays, 11 a.m.
Essentrics – Fridays, 9:30 a.m.

In September, Gentle Yoga on Mondays at 11 a.m. and T’ai Chi for Beginners on Thursdays at 10 a.m. will resume with in-person classes at the Center.

Talks at 1 p.m. Wednesdays
These free talks will continue online throughout the summer. Advance registration is not required, and closed captioning is included. The Zoom invitation/link to each talk is posted on the website the day before. Can’t make it? Talks are recorded and posted for two weeks on our website.

August 18: Braver Angels: Seeking to de-polarize America, with Bill Mares
Braver Angels (BA), a national citizens movement, aims to unite Americans across the political spectrum. Embracing core values of respect, humility, honesty and responsible citizenship serves to bring us together. Mares will introduce the BA model and its wide range of activities at the community and family level. Bill Mares, BA Ambassador, has been a reporter, state legislator, high school teacher, and is the author of numerous books.

The talk scheduled for August 25 (Immigration Challenges, with Greg Smith) has been cancelled, and will be rescheduled for November. Greg will take a look at the future of immigration reform, asylum challenges at the border, and refugee challenges globally.

In September
All Wednesday talks and events will be in-person only, no registration necessary. The first three September events at 1 p.m. will be a little different:

September 1: Music of the 50s & 60s – Oldies revival, with Peter & Helen Rosenblum
Join the musical fun as this Hinesburg duo strums and sings the hits that will forever live in our hearts and minds—from the romantic ballads of the Everly Brothers to the rockin’ rhythms of Chuck Berry.

September 8: Vermont humor through the ages in art, words and performance, with Bill Mares
Through words and cartoons, Mares will detail the evolution of Vermont humor, from anonymous jokes told on old country store porches to stand-up performances like Vermont Vaudeville and Ground Hog Opry. Bill’s talk will help you forget COVID just the way known and unknown humorists have helped wipe the sweat and tedium from Vermont labor over the years.

August 15: Greenbush – Music with John Creech and Cobey Gatos
Longtime friends and neighbors, John and Cobey, draw on a lifetime of playing jazz, blues and rock, as well as years of weekly get-togethers in Cobey’s backyard studio. They’ll choose from a library of their own original pieces and from carefully selected compositions written by musical masters.

Art news
Until the end of August, stop in to see the art of Deb Peate. The exhibit includes watercolors, pastels, silkscreens and five fanciful decoupage pieces. Most are available for purchase. Since this space is also used for classes, the best times to view the exhibit in August are: Monday at noon, Wednesday after 1 p.m., and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after 12:30 p.m.

Annual Senior Art Show
Coming in September: the 14th Annual Senior Center Community Art Show. Consider entering your artwork in this exhibition. Any medium is acceptable. (Limit: two pieces, each not exceeding 2’x3’ in size.) All levels of mastery welcome. Artwork should be ready to hang with your own wires or hooks before being dropped off. We request that any artwork not have been previously shown at the Senior Center.

Stop by to fill out the registration form. The registration deadline is Monday, August 23. It is important that artwork be delivered between noon and 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 26, or Friday, August 27. If you have questions, please contact Judy Tuttle, art show coordinator, at (802) 425-2864 or email Judy Tuttle.

About volunteering – a note from Lori York, our new Assistant to the Director & Volunteer Coordinator
As we have been transitioning to in-person programming, it has been great to see all the friendly faces in this vibrant community. Here at the Senior Center, we rely on our volunteers in a variety of ways. Whether you are available once a month for a couple of hours or on a weekly basis, we ask that you please consider volunteering. This is a great opportunity to meet other people, make new friends and be of service to our community.

We have many volunteer opportunities ranging from hosting our reception desk to cooking, dishwashing and/or prep for our weekly lunches. I would love to meet you and show you around our lovely building and talk with you about volunteering at the Charlotte Senior Center. Please email or call (802) 425-6345.

How to register
As of September, registration will be in-person only, by phone or by mail (It will no longer be possible to register by email.) For the fall season, all fees will return to the original rates, and the exercise courses will no longer be five dollars per class. Be sure to check the course descriptions in the fall schedule or see our website for details.

Please visit our website for expanded course descriptions and more information. The mission of the Senior Center is to serve those age 50 and up. Some course enrollments are limited. If a course is not full, younger participants are welcome to enroll. Questions? Call or stop by between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., or leave a message at (802) 425-6345.

Charlotte Senior Center
(802) 425-6345

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors