Around Town Local Events Charlotters enjoy all that is offered at Grange on the Green Anna Cyr July 29, 2021July 29, 2021 Cousins Brynn Herlihy and Chapin Grubbs dig in after learning how the solar oven works. At the next concert on Aug.12, they’ll get to learn how to work the smoothie bike that the Charlotte Energy Committee is borrowing from City Market. Photos by Rebecca Foster. The Charlotte Energy Committee focused on renewable energy at its table at the Grange on the Green concert on July 15, with a s’mores solar oven made by college-bound committee member Carolina Sicotte. Is Mike Yantachka going in for a marshmallow…or is that big smile because he loves solar power and the energy independence it gives communities? Charlotte Energy Committee member Jacqui DeMent with her newborn, husband and son, who’s happily licking the solar-melted chocolate off his face. Jacqui joined the committee during the pandemic, so this was the first time the committee had met her in person.