Senior Center News – May 20, 2021
And so, with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”
~ F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Well, wasn’t that a surprise! The CDC’s announcement about masks last Friday managed to make the CSC’s Summer Schedule out of date—just as it was being printed. (Please see it inserted in the current issue of this paper). Actually, it is not really obsolete—just confusing. It was constructed on the assumption that CSC would remain closed for at least half of the summer. Now it is looking like we will start the re-opening process soon—and this is very good news.
Re-opening will be happening in stages. Activity groups and instructors will be contacted separately at the beginning. It looks like meals will be the last thing to come back because we need to create new cooking teams. The CSC Board will have a hand in the planning, and the Selectboard also needs to give its approval to the plans
We look forward to seeing you very soon!
Courses Starting in June
6/04. Writing your life story with Laurie McMillan. Friday mornings, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Session A: 6/4–6/25 (4 weeks). Explore storytelling techniques and utilize in-class exercises to help launch your own meaningful and important stories. Newcomers welcome. Please register by 6/1. Fee: $48 for the series of 90-min. classes. [online]
6/04. Poetry Workshop with Kristin D’Agostino. Friday afternoons, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Dates: 6/4–6/25 (4 weeks). Geared toward writers at all levels, each session of this four-week workshop will focus on exploring a different writing prompt. Please register by 6/1. Fee: $32. [online]
6/08. June Hike #1 with Teri Fitz-Gerald. Destination: Audubon Vermont near Huntington, VT. Meet at the Center at 8:30 a.m. for departure. Including travel time, we should return by 1:00 p.m. To register and for more information, contact Teri directly. No fee.
6/09. Birding Expedition #1 with Hank Kaestner. Registration begins 6/01. Group size is limited. Please send your name, mailing address, and phone number. No fee.
6/09. Better Balance with Laurel Lakey. Wednesday mornings, 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Dates: 6/9–7/28 (8 weeks). In collaboration with Dee Physical Therapy, this eight-week course is designed to improve your balance and reduce fall risk. Newcomers welcome. Fee: $30. (Please pay at the start; directions at end of article).
6/11. Kayaking for Women. Destination: Green River Reservoir with Nancy Stead and Mary Silverman. For more information, please email Susan Hyde directly. Registration required. Maximum is determined by leaders. Paddlers need to provide their own boats for all trips. No fee.
For expanded course descriptions see the Summer Schedule inserted in today’s paper, or visit our website. The mission of the Senior Center is to serve those 50 and up; some course enrollments are limited, and if a course is not full, younger participants are welcome to enroll. Feel free to leave a message anytime at (802) 425-6345; voicemail is checked frequently.
Ongoing classes continue year-round
Check out the website and consider signing up for an online exercise or health course – which can be joined at any time during the season: Chair Yoga (M, W); Essentrics™ (W, F); Gentle Yoga (M); Pilates (Th); Pilates PLUS (Tu); Tai Chi for Beginners (Tu, Th); and Mindfulness Meditation Practice (W). And, if a course is offered twice a week, you can opt for participating on just one of those days, if you wish.
Talks at 1:00 p.m. – Wed. & Thurs.
These online, interactive talks do not require advance registration, are always free—plus, they now include a closed captioning option for those who are hearing impaired. The Zoom invitation/link to each talk is posted on the website the day before. The link also appears in Front Porch Forum for that week. Can’t make it.? Talks are recorded and posted for two weeks afterwards on the website.
5/27 (Thurs.) at 1:00 p.m. Inside the Internet: How it Works with Brian Bock. Did you know that the Internet of today evolved out of a military project which was actually designed to survive a nuclear war? What do acronyms like HTTP or DNS mean, and why are they important? Find out how the Internet really works from a technical perspective – but geared toward the non-techie. At the end, you will have a chance to ask your burning questions. ~ Brian Bock has worked online his entire career and in 1996 started his own Internet-based software development firm.
6/02 (Wed.) at 1:00 p.m. Endangered Alphabets: An Introduction with Tim Brookes. More than 85% of the world’s alphabets are in danger of extinction–suppressed, marginalized, excluded from education, sometimes even banned. When they are forced into disuse, centuries, even millennia of written documents will be incomprehensible to the very culture that created them, and whose identity and value they underwrite. ~ Tim Brookes, founder of the Endangered Alphabets Project, is the only person on Earth publicizing this loss, and working to prevent it.
6/09 (Wed.) at 1:00 p.m. Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture: Another Worldview with Molly Fleming, N.D., L.Ac. This talk will introduce you to Chinese medical theories and how they allow us to understand the body and its functions in a whole different way: It truly was the first ‘wholistic’ medicine. Acupuncture will be demonstrated, and its use for treating many conditions will be discussed. Bring your questions for a lively interaction. ~ Dr. Fleming is an acupuncturist who has integrated Chinese medicine with naturopathic medicine for nearly 40 years.
Art Exhibits
The Senior Center’s monthly art exhibits are planned to restart in August with three artists exhibiting. Stay tuned.
Plant Sale Coming Soon
5/29. The Senior Center Plant Sale is back! Rain or shine on Sat, 5/29 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Find what your garden needs at great prices—and say hello to a friend or two.
Job Opening
CSC is looking to fill a new part-time position: Assistant to the Senior Center Director. It’s an interesting, multi-faceted job, varied hours, great environment. You can find the full description at the website. To apply, email your cover letter and resume, or mail to Charlotte Senior Center Board, P.O. Box 207, Charlotte, VT 05445. Application deadline is 5/21.
Almost time to congratulate ourselves. Not quite out of the woods yet.
How to Register for a Course
All courses are online—and all require registration in order to receive the invitation/link.
- To register, email your name, mailing address, and phone number to: [email protected]. Be sure to note the title of the course in the subject line of the email. You will receive confirmation that you are registered. The invitation/link for the course will be sent to you by the instructor the week that classes start.
- How to Pay – If there is a fee, kindly pay by check (made out to CSC) and send to: CSC, PO Box 207, Charlotte, VT 05445. Be sure to note the full title of the course in the memo line of your check.
- For ongoing exercise courses, please pay at the end of each month for the classes attended. Unless otherwise stated, tally your attendance and figure $5 per class hour. (This price will continue through the summer months—even after we are open again.)
- For courses with set dates, please pay at the start and note the fee listed in the course description.
- Questions? Need help with Zooming? Please send an email, or leave a message at (802) 425-6345.
Charlotte Senior Center
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors