Planning Commission looks to the future
The April 1 Planning Commission meeting focused on a process for the next round of amendments to the Land Use Regulations. This process is required because of the mixed results of Town Meeting Day votes. Planner Larry Lewak is updating these amendments and will be posting them on the town website soon. Larry will also summarize all needed zoning amendments and present them to the Commission for prioritized action.
Marty Illick stated that there is a need for a broader discussion with the public about the demographic concerns that underly the need to ease current land regulations. The thought is that the Regional Planning Commission and those from towns that have successfully developed diverse housing projects might assist Charlotte in developing a more successful communication plan. Illick stated that revisiting density for village districts should be a priority of the work. A staff planner from the Chittenden Regional Planning Commission and the Richmond Zoning Commissioner will be invited to the next meeting to discuss public engagement.
A new manual published by the State of Vermont last year was recommended as a guide to Vermont towns on how to ease restrictive zoning for more diverse housing types. The guide is entitled: Enabling Better Places: A Zoning Guide for Vermont Neighborhoods.
In other business, The Planning Commission approved a six- month extension for the proposed Boundary Adjustment Sketch Plan Review for the Charlotte Family Health Center.
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