News from the News

We have learned that Kim MacQueen will not be joining The Charlotte News as our interim editor. We wish Kim all the best as she focuses her attention on the needs of her family.

We’d like to give a special thank you to Junior Tuiqere, who volunteered to deliver The Charlotte News to area businesses for the past year. Junior has returned to his rugby coaching job at Middlebury College and no longer has time for the deliveries.

We will miss Junior’s steady efforts. But we also look at it this way: What a great volunteer opportunity for a successor! If you could spare an hour or two every two weeks and would like to help out by picking up a bunch of papers at the Senior Center every second Thursday and dropping them at 11 locations around town, please send us an email, or give us a call at (802) 425-4949. Thank you!

Anna Cyr

Producing this edition of the paper has fallen largely to Anna Cyr, our managing editor. We are most grateful to Anna for seeking out and working with the writers who sent articles for this edition of The News. This work was on top of her normal responsibilities—which include ad design, paper layout, newsletter production and distribution, and website updates. Phew!

Anna loves her work, and she loves the paper; it shows in the pages of every issue. She is a talented graphic designer who also brings a professional, hard-working, well-organized and efficient approach to her work. Not to mention a friendly and collegial presence with a dash of humor.

For their contributions to this edition, we want to express appreciation to Bob Bloch, Nancy Richardson, Molly McClaskey, Cyndy Marshall, Margo Bartsch, Edd Merritt, Beth Merritt, Christy Hagios, Mike Yantachka, Peter Joslin, Kim Findlay, John Hammer, Elizabeth Hunt, Ethan Putnam, Ethan Tapper, Phyl Newbeck, Carolyn Kulick, Margaret Woodruff, Alex Bunten, Katherine Arthaud, Vince Crockenberg, Jim Hyde, Linda Radimer and Mary Van Vleck.

As I’ve said before, it takes a village. And it has for the past 60 years.

If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.

Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors