East Charlotte Village development and proposed LUR amendments
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Monday is the final public hearing regarding Land Use Regulation amendments that go up for vote this March. The Selectboard meeting will focus in particular on the East Charlotte Village Commercial District amendment.
Are you confused about the proposed East Charlotte Village changes? Do you need more background information before Monday’s meeting? Are you wondering what the heck an LUR is?
The Charlotte News has been covering the story since the beginning; here are a few articles to catch you up.
LURs wend their way to the ballot; budget has to budge a bit
January 14, 2021 – With three meetings in eight days, the Selectboard is just about on track for time spent getting the budget and ballot items ready for Charlotters. With Land Use Regulation (LUR) amendments on track to make it to a vote this spring, and around $70,00 that needs to be shaved off the budget, there’s a lot to talk about. READ MORE
Community center committee forming, LURs the same for now
October 29, 2020 – Here’s the quick takeaway from Monday night’s Selectboard meeting: there’s a problem with the relationship between the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Zoning Administrator (see related article), Land Use Regulation (LUR) amendments are still up for discussion, there are a couple of new people on the Planning Commission (PC), and Charlotte town leaders are perking up their ears regarding planning for a town recreation center. READ MORE
Planning Commission preview: 23-acre solar array, the health center and more LURs
October 15, 2020 – Tonight’s Oct. 15 Planning Commission meeting includes some major town planning issues, including continued public discussion of the draft Land Use Regulations, including more talk about the East Charlotte Village Commercial District, a sketch plan review of the Charlotte Family Health Center project in the works for Ferry Road in the West Village, and a 23-acre solar array project that is proposed at 2257 Lake Road, which is owned by Michael and Margaret Russell. READ MORE
LUR amendment discussion prompts conflict of interest charge
October 1, 2020 – The Oct. 1 Charlotte Planning Commission meeting started with confusion and contention, partly due to the perpetual challenges of holding municipal meetings via Zoom video call and partly because of another conflict of interest allegation against Planning Commission member Bill Stuono—this time by a meeting attendee. READ MORE
Finer points of LURs nailed down, now ready for public comment
October 1, 2020 – The Planning Commission held a special meeting Sept. 24 to mark up and approve a final draft of the Charlotte Land Use Regulations (LUR) amendments. The purpose of the meeting wasn’t to develop policy, which has been in progress for the last year, but rather to identify and clarify any outstanding gray areas in language or policy. The full board attended the meeting, along with several audience members who logged in through Zoom. The amendments passed with one nay vote, which came from commission member Bill Stuono. READ MORE
More on Land Use Regulation amendments
September 3, 2020 – The Charlotte Planning Commission (PC) spent over two and a half hours last Thursday going over the finer points and specific language of proposed amendments to town Land Use Regulations (LUR). Marty Illick, a member of the PC, said that this nitty-gritty work was the culmination of over two years of work on regulations that affect not only current Charlotters, but future residents. Commission members decided to split the items for discussion and presentation into three “buckets” for ease of comprehension and voting: East Village, Act 143, and a bucket for cleaning up language that might be imprecise and add definitions for unclear language. READ MORE
Planning Commission holds Land Use Regulation hearing and hears Mt. Philo Road subdivision plans
July 23, 2020 – Public comment was the theme at the July 16 Planning Commission (PC) meeting, where Charlotte residents had plenty to say about proposed changes for Land Use Regulations (LUR) and about a sketch plan proposal for a four-lot subdivision on Mt. Philo Road. READ MORE[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]