Three Questions
Here at The Charlotte News, our goals are to produce papers that serve our community with local news and articles of interest and to give voice to the views of Charlotte residents. We’re curious about what our readers value in the paper, so we asked three questions to several Charlotters.
Here are the questions:
What’s the first thing you look at in the paper and why?
What do you think a community newspaper adds to a small town?
Why do you read The Charlotte News?
Here are the answers:
Tom Scatchard
I always peruse the first page to see if there are any big local news issues I should jump into. After that, I’ll look through the next couple pages, checking to see what else may jump out at me. The regular columns have changed over the years, but many of them grab my interest as I flip through the pages. The News does a nice job of highlighting town events, interesting local people and “breaking” news in Charlotte.
The paper provides insights into the school, Senior Center, Grange, etc. These town institutions have their own clientele, but those of us outside the groups would never learn of their worthy activities without the News. In addition to informing us about groups and events in the community, a good local newspaper (like The Charlotte News) brings people together by celebrating and explaining joyous, sad or momentous happenings within the community.
I read because I’m informed about things that have happened or will be happening in town, I learn about people I’ve never met, or I learn things I didn’t know about folks I do know, I learn about organizations within town and the cool things they’re doing, and I’m brought up to speed on legislative, sports, outdoor, library and many other parts of small town life.
Louise McCarren
I always look at the ads, I am interested in supporting local business.
The paper is very important to the town. It provides a forum for discussion…perhaps we should have more of that?
I read The Charlotte News because I am curious about all the folks I live with and I want to be part of this community.
Margaret Woodruff
I look at the front page and local news. I always appreciate the updates on Selectboard activity as well as community projects.
A community newspaper adds invaluable connection between different groups in the town. Without a local paper, we would not know the finer details of everything from construction projects to bake sales. In addition to updates on the local news, it’s always a delight to see the latest from local schools and learn about who is doing what and how to find out more.
I read The Charlotte News to find out what’s happening in our town from the large to the small. I find that coverage of local news has fluctuated but has lately been a top priority and I value and appreciate that.
Carol Clay
I don’t look for specific articles in the paper; I scan each issue, check out letters, and note articles to get back to.
The paper keeps us in touch with local news, activities and meetings. I appreciate reading about people and organizations I may not have known about. A community paper can provide a forum for Charlotters with a diverse range of opinions and viewpoints. I feel that this is important.
To stay in touch with the happenings in town. We live in an active, interesting, busy town. The News is an important connection to that larger community and has become a helpful way to stay informed of events from varied library discussions to town parties, lessons, local music and social connections. I look forward to reading Elizabeth Bassett’s and Ethan Tapper’s columns. I enjoy personal stories, projects and reviews. I’m proud of the “kids’” achievements listed in the Around Town column. I appreciate the community calendar (and would love to see that expanded, perhaps on the website). I have lived in Charlotte for more than 35 years and have been an avid News reader all this time. Over the years, I’ve noticed that the paper has become better at representing the many voices of the town, a positive development in my opinion.
Pati Naritomi
I used to look through all the ads (out of curiosity since I had been the advertising sales/design for The News for many years), but I don’t bother with that any more! I now scan the paper and see what interests me the most and then go back and read the article. These days I tend to be interested in the library news or any nature or human-interest articles. I skim through the town meetings news randomly, depending on what’s brewing at the moment.
I feel that a small community newspaper should spotlight local residents and their business, personal or travel adventures and town land issues. The paper should act as a forum/conduit for being informed and for discussion.
It’s fun to see what’s happening in my town—those things that I might not necessarily be involved in but still want to know about.
Carrie Spear
The first thing I look at is the front cover. It’s always fun to see what’s on it. From there I read pages one to three … then quickly go through each page and the headlines until I have the time to read the rest.
That would depend on the agenda of a paper. Many sides to a story and lots to write about! How does one choose? In my experience pictures can make a million smiles and every one has a story.
I’ve read The Charlotte News for 25 plus years. Hardly missed an issue! There’s something very special about a hometown paper and to be able to read local news with paper in hand.
I’d love to take the opportunity to thank The Charlotte News for 19 years of covering the Tractor Parade. The pictures and stories have brought great joy to those In and around the parade. Many thanks a hundred times over from all of us!
Another thank you for putting The Charlotte News out for the community to enjoy.
If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.
Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors