Ceres Gardens farm stand is open
Social media? No. Web page? No. Great veggies, maple syrup and honey? Yes.
At the corner of Lake and Ferry Roads, Ceres Gardens is a cornucopia of fresh produce, thanks to Bud Ceres and Tim Hoopes.
To find out what produce is in stock they send out a weekly email on Mondays. You can join by sending an email. Or just stop by 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. daily.
Tim is a UVM student in Agro Ecology. With great enthusiasm he pointed out that the word agriculture is rooted in the Greek word for love, and, as we all know, love is love. He observed that growing is the “easy” part. The hard part is getting the produce to folks. His goal is to own a farm. Now he works with Bud on producing the best produce for all of us to enjoy.
Talking with Tim was an introduction to talking with Bud Ceres. Bud has been gardening since he was 5. Like many gardeners he stated that one of the true pleasures of gardening is getting to know plants at a deeper level and observing whether they are happy or not. This is so true. A plant in the right place will flourish, but in the wrong place not so much. He spoke of the spirits of plants. Gardeners agree.
When asked of the challenges Bud said what all gardeners say: “Never perfect and never done.” Also, the challenge of drought and pests that all Charlotte gardeners know too well this year.
When asked about the future, Bud said he can afford to continue to garden and have a farm stand. He observed that the common wisdom is “get big or get out.” Bud is not a common person, and though this is his first year, he will persevere.
Charlotte is so very fortunate to have Bud and the Ceres farm. A must-go-to this week.