The last word

The Charlotte News, Charlotte, VermontThe word “last” has a lot of definitions; in our April 23 email newsletter, it appeared in the first sentence of the first article, referencing a previous issue of the paper. Unfortunately, with all this bad news floating around about newspapers, “last issue” looked like it meant something it didn’t. No need to panic: It should have read, “most recent” or “previous.”

That wasn’t our last issue, and we have no plans to stop printing the paper. It’s been in circulation for almost 62 years, and we’re certainly not going to let a global pandemic stop our presses.

Other Charlotte-centric ways the word “last” might be used include, “How long is this town meeting going to last?” or “Last I heard, we weren’t going to have a sidewalk in the West Village, but that could change,” or, “Are we getting a restaurant in town at last?”

And we’re not merely hanging in there. We’re delighted to report that our paper is doing well. We are humbled by and thrilled with the donations that recently came in from home and afar, the local businesses that have placed ads and bought space in upcoming issues, and contributions from talented local writers who suddenly have the time to put their words in print.

This is truly a community paper, and like our wonderful town and all the people in it, it’s going to last.

We appreciate you all so much.

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors