We’re all in this together…
As we start the next phase of Stay Home, Stay Safe, a group of Charlotte citizens were brought together into a virtual brainstorming session to see how we could best help all residents of our town during this challenge. As we shared thoughts and ideas, it was apparent that a number of avenues are already in place to help individuals and families with various needs but that everyone might not be aware that these opportunities exist, what they provide, and/or how to access them.
And so we have compiled a list of places, opportunities, people available for anyone to access. And what better vehicle than our own Charlotte News to disseminate the information! All of these services are provided free of charge.
If you would like to participate in the work of this group, please email Cindi Robinson, Margaret Woodruff or Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen.
Looking for spiritual direction or guidance?
- Father David Cray, pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Jude’s Catholic Church, is available by phone or email for spiritual guidance or counseling. He can be reached at 425-2253 or email.
- Catholic mass can be seen online at Vermont Catholic.
- Kevin Goldenbogen, senior pastor at the Charlotte Congregational Church, can be reached directly at 425-3176 or via email.
- The Charlotte Congregational Church has Sunday online worship by Zoom at 10 a.m. All are welcome to join the service. See the church website for login information.
- Goldenbogen can personally talk via phone or Zoom with anyone wanting some pastoral counseling or spiritual guidance or has questions/needs around basic needs like food, bills, etc.
- The CCC works with a variety of local and state agencies to help Charlotte residents and families. Contact Rev. Goldenbogen for further information.
Looking for help with food or personal care items? No one need go hungry.
For general information and the schedule for the Charlotte Food Shelf call Karen Doris at 425-3252.
- If you have food to donate, please email Cindi Robinson.
Looking for medical assistance?
- Charlotte Family Health Center is accepting new patients without a prior primary care provider. If indicated after consultation, COVID-19 testing is performed at the Williston location.
- They can be reached by phone at 425-2781.
- If you are an existing patient, please do not cancel appointments and “wait it out.” They have telehealth and remote visits by phone.
- Medicare and most other insurers are now covering appointments by phone for those who cannot do telehealth visits.
- Reach out to elderly friends and neighbors. If you can, contact them weekly.
Looking for internet assistance, equipment, technical assistance?
- The Charlotte Library has a myriad of resources for you to access…
- Need internet access? Free public Wi-Fi is available 24/7 from the library parking lot at 115 Ferry Road. Sit in your car and select network on your device, then Library Guests. At the prompt, accept the library’s wireless policy. No password required!
- Need a device? The library has eight Chromebooks, four laptops with Windows 10 and Microsoft Office, one projector, one Kindle (older version). Call 425-3864 or send an email to learn how to access any of these devices. Messages and emails are checked and answered daily.
- Need technical assistance with your device or setting up an online meeting, downloading a book or contacting friends and family online? Call Susanna Kahn at 802-734-1694 or email her to set up a one-on-one remote consultation.
Looking for a book or something to read or homeschooling resources?
- The Charlotte Public Library’s website offers the Libby app for downloading free eBooks and audiobooks, as well as links to a variety of fun and informative sites for all ages.
- Other questions regarding the resources from the library? Call Margaret Woodruff, director. Phone is 802-338-2598.
Looking for emergency management information or State of Vermont resources?
- Chris Davis, town emergency management director, can be reached by email.
- He has sent these reminders to all of us:
- Stay at home and stay safe until at least May 15.
- Stay at least 6 feet away from people not in your family/friend circle.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a scarf or mask when you are in public areas. You don’t need to wear one when exercising outdoors as long as you are at least 6 feet away from other people.
- If you become ill, call your health care provider.
- If you do not have a health care provider, call 2-1-1 and an operator will direct you to an agency that can help you.
- Do not go to the hospital unless you are experiencing a medical emergency or are having difficulty breathing.
- The following websites have valuable information:
- Vermont Department of Health
- Vermont Emergency Management
- Vermont Agency of Human Services, Department of Mental Health
- Howard Center Crisis Line 1-802-488-7777 (Crisis Line)
- Counseling Service of Addison County 1-800-388-7641 (Crisis Line)
- Green Mountain Transit, bus route modifications
- Assistance for businesses, independent contractors, sole proprietors:
- Vermont Agency of Education, Prekindergarten Education and Continuity of Learning and School Nutrition Programs
- State of Vermont, become a volunteer
- Lodging establishments can now accept reservations for stays and events occurring after 6/15/20 although this date could be extended.
- Suspension of in-person real estate transactions includes sale by owner.
- Motor vehicle inspections due in April 2020 are extended for 60 days (exception: school buses and motor buses).
Looking for any new resources, or want to stay abreast in between published issues of The Charlotte News?
- Sign up for the email newsletter from The Charlotte News that comes out in between regular published issues. The signup is on the right-hand side of the page.
Looking for a way to connect?
- If you know folks or maybe know your neighbors, set up a Zoom meeting at zoom.us.
- Neighbor groups have gotten creative during this challenge and ordered meals from a local restaurant as a group, distributing it to each other’s houses via “drop off” on the porch or front steps.
Looking for homeschooling ideas?
- If you have done some creative lessons with your kids and are willing to share with other parents, send them to Trina Bianchi and they will get posted (with or without public authorship, your choice) in the next column.
- One creative and fabulous idea: a lesson around science, math and kindness. The kids make cookies (science and math) and when done make porch deliveries of cookies to the neighborhood (kindness).
If you know of other resources that are available that we have not listed here, please send them to Trina Bianchi, and we will include them in our next listing. This group is planning to meet virtually on a regular basis as we continue down this path. If you would like to join us, please contact Rev. Goldenbogen.
In the interim, know that we are all in this together. If you know someone who is struggling, please reach out and offer assistance as best you can or contact one of us and we will reach out. Stay home and stay safe now, so we can all be together later!