Ideas on keeping ourselves busy; small businesses are under stress

We interviewed some families, and learned that most kids would rather be at school than at home. For example, 4th grader Parker Trono hasn’t gone anywhere except outside. Most kids are either building Legos, drawing, playing with Lexia, bike riding, or being homeschooled. 4th grader Sawyer Jennings and his family have been to trails in both Shelburne and Charlotte VT, as well as baking cupcakes and cakes. Parker and 3rd grader Ava Ringler are both writing graphic novels. 4th grader Charlie Adams has been jumping on his trampoline and learned chess this week. Most of the kids we interviewed find the great pandemic interesting, but also a little bit scary. Parker is “Staying home to help the people that could get really sick.” Sawyer says “It’s scary, but we’re all going to be okay. It’ll be over one day.”

We also spoke to Dale Carreiro of Rise ‘N Shine. Her husband Peter is very busy. Instead of about 8 hours delivering, he’s been delivering 10-12 hours each day. They’re feeling rushed because they have more business than normal but it’s good for them. They usually sell milk and eggs. But they’ve been selling out and need to order more. They get their milk from Hatchland Farm, just over the border in New Hampshire; Hatchland Farm is one of the only farms in the area that bottles their organic milk in glass and can supply a large amount of milk at one time. Peter and Dale are driving there to buy more milk than normal for the next week. People are stopping the milkman truck in neighborhoods and asking if they can buy off the truck. But there’s usually not extra, so he can’t do that. There is a backlog of customer orders. They’re giving priority to existing customers that have been supporting them for years, but they’re also doing their best to fill all new customer orders. Just go to their website at to sign up.

Reed and Hayward are members of the Junior Reporters Club at The Charlotte News, and met with their editor via Zoom yesterday for a meeting. Interested children can email Chea Waters to participate.