Food Shelf News – Jan. 23, 2020
Not surprisingly, people have different opinions about the snowy days of January.
“If I had my way, I’d remove January from the calendar altogether and have an extra July instead.” Roald Dahl
“That grand old poem called Winter is round again without any connivance of mine.” Henry David Thoreau
“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand.” Edith Sitwell
In these cold, wintry months, the Food Shelf has felt the strong touch of many warm, friendly hands. We are happy to report that December ended and January began with many generous gifts. And so we start off the harsh cold of the New Year with a warm, loud shout of “Thank you!” to the friendly hands and hearts of our community.
Thank you to Mary Burns for the wonderful mittens, and to Horsford Gardens and Nursery for encouraging donations from those who took wreaths.
Thank you for financial contributions from John and Christy Hagios at the Berry Patch, the Shelburne/Charlotte Garden Club, Valerie Graham with Vermont Community Foundation, Salem Engineering, Anne Castle.
Thank you to Janine McDonald, Teena and Richard Flood, Ben and Nan Mason, David and Marilyn Perrin, Chuck and Liz DesLauriers, Sharon Weaver, Elizabeth Poulson, DVM, Walter Gates, Elizabeth Archangeli, William and Karen Bruett, Chris Trapeni and Carolyn Siccama, Barry and Susan Cluff, Tim and Mary Volk, Joseph and Jennifer Dickerman, Karol Josselyn, Toni and Robert Monsey, Christopher and Susanne Davis.
Karen Doris, in honor of Maj Eisinger; Renee, Jodi, Amber, and Caryn from Barber and Waxman Family Law Associates, in honor of Pat and Neal Rodar; Roberta Wood, in memory of Remo and Donna Pizzagalli; Jeffrey and Martha Small, for Dr. Frank and Elaine Ittleman; Elizabeth Bassett and John Pane in memory of Jane H. Stevens; Hugh Jr. and Leslie Lewis, in memory of Cowboy and Arlene Lewis and Fr. Gerald Ragis. Thank you to Anonymous!
And thank you to all the people who came out early on that cold December morning to fill the holiday boxes: Diane Cote, Sandy Arnell, Laura Iglehart, John Lavigne, Stephanie Wells, Carol Chenevert, Jon andWolfie Davis, Holly Rochefort, Beth Hartman, Liz DesLauriers, Sue Hall, Charlie and Sarah Buchwald, Louise McCarren, Marcia Vogler, Karen and Bill Doris, Nancy Bloch, Cindy Tyler, Ken Oboz, the Donegan family, the Robinson family, Tracey Beaudin and Toby Tyler.
Important upcoming distribution dates at the Charlotte Congregational Church
Wednesday, Feb. 12, Feb. 26: 5 – 7 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 13, Feb 27: 7:30 – 9 a.m.
Financial assistance
As a reminder, the Food Shelf has funds available for emergency assistance with fuel and electric bills. You may contact Pat Rodar at (8020 425-3083 if you need assistance.
We are available to all community residents. Privacy is very important and respected in our mission of neighbor helping neighbor.
For emergency food call John at (802) 425-3130.
For emergency assistance (electricity, fuel) call Pat at (802) 425-3083.
The Charlotte Food Shelf Inc. is a nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax deductible. Our organization is run by volunteers, and all donations made to the Food Shelf go directly for nutritious food and/or assistance to our local neighbors in Charlotte and North Ferrisburgh. Should you wish to honor someone with a donation, a special acknowledgement will be sent to that person.
Checks may be mailed to Charlotte Food Shelf and Assistance, P.O. Box 83, Charlotte, VT 05445.
Donated food drop-off locations
All nonperishable food donations may be dropped off at the Charlotte Library, the Charlotte Congregational Church vestry, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church (main entrance) or at the Food Shelf during the distribution mornings. Please check the expiration date. We request that all fresh foods be dropped off at the Food Shelf before the Wednesday distribution hours or before 7:30 a.m. on the Thursday distribution mornings.
The Charlotte Food Shelf is located on the lower level of the Charlotte Congregational Church vestry. Distribution days and times are posted on bulletin boards in the Charlotte Congregational Church Hall, at the Charlotte Library and at the Charlotte Senior Center. You may also call the Food Shelf at (802) 425-3252 for a recording of the distribution times.