Coming up at Grange Hall

If you want to hear some great music in a beautiful, cozy historic building close to home, check out these events happening at the Charlotte Grange Hall in the coming weeks.
January 24, 25 and 26. The Grange Hall will be busy these three days with local volunteers and members from both Transition Charlotte and the Charlotte Grange building and assembling window inserts for several private homes and the Grange Hall. We need volunteers to help build and assemble the inserts and to provide sustenance for those worker bees. These inserts are designed to be used year after year during the winter months to help save on fuel costs. If you are able to help by working or donating food ( breakfast, lunch-type food), please contact Ruah Swennerfelt.
Sunday, January 26, starting at 2 p.m. The Charlotte News, the Charlotte Library and the Charlotte Grange have joined forces to invite Steven Kiernan to present his “Vermont To the Tenth” proposal. Come and listen to Kiernan explain how a small state like Vermont can thrive in a time of federal collapse. It should prove to be a lively and enlightening conversation. For those who might be interested in reading Stephen’s proposal beforehand, go to his website. Admission is free but donations, as always, are welcome.
Coming in February and March
Tuesday, February 11, at 7 p.m.: The Charlotte News and the Charlotte Library will co-host Candidates Night at Grange Hall.
Tuesday, February 18 stating at 6:30 p.m.: acoustic Open Mic.
Friday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m.: Hugh McBride performs at the Grange Hall. Pot luck and music.
March 8: Our second annual Mardi Gras.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors