Charlotte Repair Cafe set for Nov. 9
The fifth Charlotte Repair Cafe is happening Saturday, November 9, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Charlotte Congregational Church, 403 Church Hill Rd in Charlotte. The Repair Café is part of Transition Town Charlotte’s mission to build community health by extending the life of material things, keeping items out of the landfill and reducing global warming. Benefits include saving us money, building skill and getting to know our neighbors better.
In a nutshell the Repair Café is a group of talented volunteers from our community who are willing to spend their Saturday fixing your stuff for free. At this Repair Café, community fixers will be present to offer the following repairs:
- Mend clothing; knitting repairs; adjust sewing machines
- Replace zippers
- Repair lamps–replace switches and cords, tighten wobbly bases
- Troubleshoot and/or repair small appliances, electronics, radios, fans, heaters, (de)humidifiers
- Sharpen garden tools, replace wooden handles
- Repair jewelry, replace watch batteries, fix watch bands, replace eyeglass screws
- Repair furniture, cuckoo clocks, dolls, favorite toys
- Sharpen knives, scissors, axes
- Make a blue jean skirt from your old jeans!
- Diagnose and/or fix computers, laptops, smartphones and printers
- Replace smartphone batteries
- Tune and make minor repairs to bicycles, true bike wheels
- Repair and adjust skateboards
Got something different? We are up for all new challenges!
We ask that everyone wishing to have an item fixed register here beforehand so we can tell the repairers what items they might expect.
Fixers may also choose to email you if they have a question about your item. If you know your gizmo needs a replacement part, such as a switch or lamp cord, please purchase it beforehand and bring it with you. (We do not reimburse you for your part purchases). Or come early and we will tell you what you need so you can purchase it at a local hardware store and come back.
Short workshops on how to fix items yourself will be featured at this cafe. In addition, by watching the fix we hope that you might be able to perform the repair yourself should the need arise again. Thus, we highly encourage participants to hang out while the fixers work on your item to answer questions, ask questions, learn, eat muffins, etc.
Home-baked goods, chili and drinks will be available for sale.
Except for your purchase of any parts you need, there is no charge for the Repair Café, but we do ask that participants bring a nonperishable food or monetary donation for the Charlotte Food Shelf.
The event is sponsored by Transition Town Charlotte, the Charlotte Grange, the Charlotte Library and the Charlotte Congregational Church and is open to folks from anywhere.
Questions about your repair? Contact Wolfger Schneider. Or want to share your skills as a fixer? Contact Jamey.