Time to update the Hamilton roster of champion trees
One of Larry Hamilton’s enduring contributions to the Charlotte community was his champion tree roster, a list of the biggest trees of each species in Charlotte, whether on private or public property. The Charlotte Tree Tribe, under the leadership of Tree Warden Mark Dillenbeck, now once again invites all Charlotters to participate in the annual updating of that list.
For purposes of the roster, champion status is determined by the tree’s girth, in inches at four and a half feet from the ground. If you believe you have identified a candidate for champion status—a tree that is larger than the current champion of that species or that places a new tree species on the list—measure the tree at that height. Then send the measurement, along with a photo if possible, to Tree Steward Vince Crockenberg or to Deputy Tree Warden Sue Smith at with the words “Champion Tree?” in the subject line. A member of the Tree Tribe will then contact you and set up a time to confirm the tree’s species and its girth.
The official Hamilton Roster, which includes information on where the current champion trees reside, can be also found on the town website.