Mt. Philo State Park increases opening hours
The longest day of the year is already behind us, but starting Friday, June 28, the day will start a little earlier at Mt. Philo State Park. Beginning that day, day use fees will be collected starting at 8:00 a.m.
The park previously opened at 10:00 a.m., but this spring the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation announced that they would ease visitors into the new start time for collecting fees, since many locals used the park without paying in the hours before it opened.
Reuben Allen, parks regional manager who oversees Mt. Philo State Park, said that though they haven’t started collecting fees yet, the parks department already started opening and staffing the gate at the 8 a.m. hour to allow guests to get accustomed to the new system. He said that so far, the new opening time has gone smoothly and that park visitors seem fine with the upcoming change.
Mt. Philo visitors have a variety of options for park visit fees: guests can buy a day pass, a vehicle pass, a season pass or a punch card. More information is available from the Vermont State Parks or at the gate house at the entrance to the park on Mt. Philo Road.