Happenings at The Grange

Music continues to emanate from the Charlotte Grange Hall on a regular basis thanks to Mike Walker and his colleague, Ted LeBlanc.
Open Mic evenings have been held monthly since last September and May was no exception and earlier this year, Mike initiated the Friday Night At The Grange featuring two performers from earlier Open Mic evenings, one playing during the potluck dinner, the other after.
May’s Friday Night at the Grange on the 3rd featured Paul, Cal and Rose Lord during the potluck dinner and then Hugh McBride entertained the audience after with fabulous music, songs and humor. For May’s Open Mic on the 21st, Hugh McBride, Matt Sargent, Rebecca Padula, Wayne Lauden, Nate Walker, Jason Baker and Robin Reid all lent their voices and instrumental skills to the enjoyment of the audience.
All of these music events have brought people from not only Charlotte but neighboring towns, many of whom had never been inside our Grange Hall!
May also brought Charlie Nardozzi, Burlington’s gardening guru, to the Hall on May 15 where about 35 people came to be enlightened and entertained about gardening and horticulture. It was an appropriate place for Nardozzi to share his knowledge as the Grange was primarily an agricultural organization.
For many years, the Charlotte Grange has donated and placed all new flags and markers on the graves of the veterans in all the local cemeteries, Barber, Grandview, Morningside and the one behind Our Lady of Mount Carmel along with the individual monuments at Cedar Beach, Town Green and Spears Store. This year Dorothy Hill, Dave Perrin, Cindi and Stuart Robinson, Louis Cox and Ruah Swennerfelt, all Grange members did the honors.
In addition, the film “My Father’s Vietnam” was shown at the Grange Hall to an appreciative audience on Friday, May 24. Both this event and the evening with Charlie Nardozzi were co-hosted by the Charlotte Library and the Charlotte Grange.
June will bring more music to the Hall with Friday Night At The Grange on June 7 with a potluck starting at 6:30 pm and featuring Paige Thibault, a CVU Senior on the piano with music and songs!
On the 21, the Hall will be filled again with music for the Midsummer Waltz starting at 6:30 pm with a potluck and dancing from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. We will celebrate World Music Day so bring an instrument and play your favorite waltz for everyone to dance to and we’ll have a backing band to cover any little blips!! Come dance, eat, listen and relax with friends and neighbors. Donation of $5.00 per person or $10.00 per family. The Winter Waltz was incredibly popular so we expect this one to be very well attended!
And June is the month of strawberries……so the Grange membership is hosting a Berry Festival on Sunday, June 30 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.! Music will be provided by Mary Provencher and her band and there will be strawberry shortcake for all. Cost will be $10.00 per person with children 12 and under free. We hope to see you at the Grange Berry Festival!
Plan to come to one or more of our June events! Mark your calendars now!