Around Town – Feb. 6, 2019

Congratulations to the following Charlotte Central School students who won finalist status in the preliminary round of the National Geographic sponsored GeoBee and advanced to the second round, the School GeoBee on Jan. 28:
Grade 4: J. P. Novak, Sarah Stein
Grade 5: Kenna Hutchins, Griffin Hengelsberg, Apryl Tuiqere
Grade 6: Henry Bushey, Vega Tariyal
Grade 7: Sam Dore, Luke Sampson
Grade 8: Grace McNally, Joe Jacobs
Congratulations to Vega Tariyal who won the CCS School GeoBee, beating out classmate Henry Bushey in a highly contested match.
Congratulations to Courtney McDermott of Charlotte, whose poem titled “A poem for those who drink coffee in the morning”, was selected for publication in the “Young Writers Project” of the Feb. 1 Burlington Free Press. Courtney responded to a query for “general writing.” In her poem she portrays the poet as a plastic cup left to rot in the driveway that people have not disposed of, put out of its misery. “You’ve just left me here to rot.” (“In case you’re wondering, plastic,” she says, “doesn’t rot.)”
Congratulations to Annika Gruber whose poem titled “Rise” was also selected for inclusion in the Free Press’ “Young Writers Project” the week before Courtney’s. It appears that Annika responded to characteristics a person might face if that person were part of the climate and the differences that may incorporate, person to person. Her main character is sun burned. But, what if instead that person had frost bite. Regardless, the person “wore your wounds without shame. I wish everyone did that. I wish everyone accepted each other’s differences.”
Sympathy is extended to family and friends of Winslow H. Ladue of Charlotte who died from brain cancer at the McClure Miller Respite House Jan. 26 at the age of 64.

After graduating from St. Lawrence University, Winslow moved to Burlington from New York State to study hydrogeology at UVM. Following a completion of his master’s degree in 1982, he moved to Charlotte and worked for the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation with municipalities throughout the state, focusing particularly on ensuring safe drinking water based on sound hydrogeology policy. He retired in 2015.
Not only was Winslow active with the state, he participated fully in Charlotte town services, sitting on the Selectboard for seven years, leading groups of Charlotte Cub Scouts and contributing to the Antique and Classic Boat Society of Lake Champlain. An interest in classic boats led him to restore wooden runabouts, which he enjoyed sharing with family and friends with his historical “boat tours.” Winslow loved to waterski, sail his G-Cat and row during the summer months. During the winters he was an avid skier, hitting the slopes every year, from age 2 to 64, often for 50-plus days a season.
Winslow’s surviving family includes his wife, Mary Anne Kyburz-Ladue, and son Arlin.
His son Caleb died in a skiing accident in South America in 2017.
The family will host a celebration of his life this coming summer and are happy to accept, cards, letters, stories and photos sent to 457 Sentinel Cedar Lane, Charlotte. They ask that those wishing to make donations in Winslow’s name do so either to the UVM Medical Center Fund (contribute online) or to Watersheds United Vermont, a statewide network of local groups dedicated to improving the health of their home watersheds (attn: Lyn Munno, Watersheds United Vermont, 379 Elm Street, Montpelier, VT 05602).