Editor’s Letter – Oct 17, 2018

Here is a beautiful word I learned this past summer: deliquescence. It means having a tendency to melt or become liquid, to dissolve. I love it, the way it sounds, the idea, the imagery that comes with such a word. That something could kind of dissolve slowly, disappear … deliquesce.
Say it enough times and it kind of puts you into a trance.
I know that some of you are tired of hearing me harp on about this, but I’ve become a big fan of not turning away from the truths of this life, and one of them is that we are, as we write and publish, working hard to keep this little paper chugging along. As fortunate as we all are to live in this community and in this moment in time of great riches, there is a reality here at the paper that we can’t ignore and that is that this paper is in danger of, well … deliquescing out of our lives.
I don’t want to see it happen in my lifetime. I hope you feel the same way. In the coming weeks we will provide you with more information about how you can help. In the mean time we continue to turn our eyes and lenses on the wonderful people and events of this town.
Most of us know about Carrie Spears’ Tractor Parade that took place this past weekend; this issue is full of images and thoughts about that wonderful event. Last year I offered to start a journalism club at CCS and the idea was met with full-throttle enthusiasm and support from teachers and administrators there. We are up and running and the kids care! So many kids turned out for our initial meeting that we filled the entire space. And more are joining each week. Young people want to contribute to our newspaper! When I asked Dan Bolles, who has been writing for Seven Days to come and speak at one of our meetings, he said, “Sure! When?” I replied, “How about next week?” He said, “Yes! I’ll be there.”
Yes is a beautiful word. When I asked Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen at Charlotte Congregational Church if I could come back (I was a member there before I left to become a pastor) and preach sometime his answer was a rousing … Yes (Sunday, October 28 I will be at the pulpit there, for all of you so inclined … join us!)
As Carrie tells it, the Tractor Parade started because a local farmer (Joe Bean) “didn’t say no when I suggested we have a parade, eighteen years ago.”
He didn’t say no; he said yes. CCS teachers and administrators said yes. Rev. Kevin said yes. Dan Bolles said yes. It’s such a good word. I recommend you employ it often, even if it comes with some trepidation. Yes gets things done in this life.
I read this recently: A newspaper is the center of a community, it’s one of the tent poles of the community, and that’s not going to be replaced by Web sites and blogs.
Do we want The Charlotte News to remain a part of the fabric of this community? Shake your Magic 8 Ball if you’re not sure. As I see it, yes.