Charlotte Democrats nominate JP slate for November

Charlotte Democrats met on July 26 to nominate candidates for Justice of the Peace in Charlotte. The nominees will appear on the ballot for the November general election. Charlotte has 12 JPs, and each party can nominate a slate.
Candidates can also run as Independents but have to be nominated by petition.
The six candidates who will run as Democrats are Jill Abilock, Greg Cluff, Lorna Jimerson, Leo Laberge, Michael Krasnow and Seth Zimmerman, all of whom currently serve as JPs. The duties of a JP include working with the town clerk to oversee elections and serving on the Board of Civil Authority and on the Board of Tax Abatement. JPs also are authorized to perform weddings and to act as notaries.
Democratic candidates running for county-level offices were invited to attend the caucus. Those who accepted the invitation included the two candidates for probate judge, Judge Greg Glennon and former mayor of Winooski Bill Norful; two of the four candidates for assistant judge, Connie Ramsey and Charles Delaney; and one of two candidates for sheriff, Sheriff Kevin McLaughlin. They spoke about why they are running and their qualifications, and described the responsibilities of the offices they are running for, which provided a rare insight to the workings of county government.