Charlotte Democrats to nominate justice of the peace candidates
The Charlotte Democratic Committee will convene a caucus at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 26, at the Charlotte Town Office for the purpose of nominating candidates for justice of the peace. All residents of Charlotte who consider themselves Democrats are welcome to participate, and refreshments will be provided.
Nominations will be open; that is, any Democrat willing to faithfully serve as a JP and conscientiously perform the duties of this office can place his or her name into nomination at the meeting. The candidates elected at the caucus will appear on the November ballot as Democrats.
Justices of the peace serve on the Board of Civil Authority and the Board of Tax Abatement in their municipality. As members of these boards, along with the Board of Selectmen and the town clerk, JPs hear appeals of tax assessments and requests to abate or dismiss taxes for specific legal reasons, as well as oversee elections. JPs also have the authority to preside over wedding ceremonies.
The Election Perspectives booklet, published annually by the Secretary of State’s office, states that “Given the occasional unwillingness of Justices to appear at Board of Civil Authority meetings, party officials should take this responsibility [of confirming the consent of all candidates to allow their names on the ballot and to serve] very seriously before signing the nomination statement.”
Charlotte’s justices of the peace have had a good record of service and welcome candidates who will continue in this fine tradition. Contact Committee Chair Mike Yantachka at (802) 233-5238 with any questions.