Champlain Valley School District offers publicly funded prekindergarten
For children between the ages of three and five who reside in Charlotte, Hinesburg, Shelburne, St. George and Williston, now enrolling for the 2018-19 school year.
Publicly funded prekindergarten is defined as:
- Ten hours per week (for 35 weeks) of developmentally appropriate early learning experiences that are based on Vermont’s Early Learning Standards.
- Children who reside in Charlotte, Hinesburg, Shelburne, St. George and Williston and will be three or four years old on or before Sept. 1, 2018, are eligible for universal PreK funding from CVSD.
- Funding is limited to 35 weeks during the academic school year (Sept. 2018 to June 2019).
What should CVSD families know about universal/publicly funded preK?
- Children must be at least three years old on or before Sept. 1, 2018, to qualify for prekindergarten funding. According to the VT Agency of Education, children who are age-eligible for CVSD kindergarten (five years old on or before Sept. 1, 2018) may not receive publicly funded PreK.
- Publicly funded PreK services can be found in schools and qualified community-based programs (homes and centers). For a database of qualified PreK providers in Vermont, go to the Vermont Department of Education website.
- The state tuition rate paid to community-based, private PreK providers on behalf of CVSD children attending prekindergarten during the 2018-19 school year is $3,267.
How do I apply?
If your child is going to attend a qualified prekindergarten program outside of the school (in the community), you will have to enroll both with the community program/provider (for your child’s place in the program) and with your school district (to ensure PreK funding for your child is sent to the program). The full registration packet is available on CVSD’s website.
If you would like information about PreK programs offered in a CVSD school, contact your local school about the enrollment process. If you have questions about the CVSD registration process, contact Wendy Clark, (802) 985-1903. If you have questions about publicly funded prekindergarten, contact Sherry Carlson.