Senior Center News
Senior Center Menu
Monday, Jan 29
11:30 am – 12:45 pm
Pizza medley, green salad, baked apples
Wednesday, Jan. 31
All diners eat at noon.
Enchilada casserole, tossed salad, homemade dessert
Wednesday after lunch programs
Programs scheduled for Wednesday after lunch begin at 1:00 p.m. and showcase the many interests of our community. Drop in to share the travels and experiences of our presenters—no need to register.
Hank Kaestner will fill in for John Hammer on Jan. 24 with his presentation on the history of spices and the spice trade. John’s travelog, Croatia, Jewel of the Adriatic, will be rescheduled in the spring. Check the upcoming Spring Program, due out at the end of February, for the details.
Next on the Wednesday schedule is Patrice MaComber’s travelog, Ultimate Africa: A Bostwana, Zambia and Zimbabwe Safari, on Jan. 31. Learn about the culture, history and wildlife of three southern African countries, with visits to Chobe, Kafue and Hawange national parks and to the Okavango Delta and Victoria Falls. Hear what it’s like to ride in a traditional mokoro dugout canoe and spend a day in the life of a Hwange community. Imagine sleeping while an elephant is tearing down a tree next to your tent!
Change continents on Feb. 7 with Sandi Detwiler’s presentation, A Look At Brazil. Brazil is much more than Carnaval. You’ll share the Detwilers’ visit to the state of Minas Gerais with its unique colonial architecture and also have a look at Iguacu Falls, the Pantanal, Isla Grande and the beautiful area surrounding Sao Paolo.
Meals at the Senior Center
The Men’s Breakfast group meets twice a month, and the next meeting is Thursday, Jan. 25. Please call the Center to let us know you’re coming. Join the group for breakfast and conversation, 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Suggestion donation: $5.
Wednesday Luncheons: Sit down at noon to enjoy special senior lunches on Wednesdays. Make your reservation by calling the Senior Center at (802) 425-6345. Suggested donation: $5.
Monday Munch: Drop in from 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. on Mondays when local cooks’ menus feature homemade soup (or chef’s choice), salad, bread and dessert. Suggested donation: $5.
Upcoming programs and events
Stop in at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 2, for the artist’s reception and a first look at the February art exhibit, Boystoystoo and an Emerald City Retrospective. Rik Carlson— photographer, author, web designer and filmmaker, known as the creative force behind the flying monkeys on Burlington’s waterfront, and a familiar face at Little Garden Market—will be showing his automotive and scenic photography along with a retrospective presentation of Emerald City’s celebrated archives (see
Blood Pressure Clinic. On Wednesday, Feb. 7, 11:30 a.m. – noon, Martha McAuliffe, R.N., from the UVM Medical Center, will check blood pressures; this clinic is free and open to the public.
Blood Drive, Thursday, Feb. 8, 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. The Senior Center is pleased to host again the American Red Cross blood drive. Our comfortable atmosphere and great snacks make giving blood here a pleasure.
Book Discussion. Wendell Berry: Standing For What He Stands On. This three-session program led by Charlotte Library Director Margaret Woodruff begins on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 10:30 a.m. “Wendell Berry is not a prophet. He doesn’t claim to see the future. He’s not crazy about the present, either. But at 83, America’s beloved farmer-philosopher still has plenty to say about how our disregard for the past points us in a destructive direction.” Join us to explore and discuss the writings of Berry that champion “the plight of fragile rural economies and the importance of sustainable agriculture.” Reading selections will be available soon at the Charlotte Library and the Senior Center. This series is offered in conjunction with the Charlotte Library. Please register so we’ll know you’re coming.
Continuing classes
Ongoing no-fee classes include Bridge, Mah Jong, Spanish Conversation, Strength Maintenance, T’ai Chi Practice and Friday Morning Art Group. Check the town website at or at the Senior Center for more information.
Enroll in the following classes by stopping by or calling the Center at (802)425-6345: Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yuan T’ai Chi Chuan, Fitness at Any Age, Pilates and Moving Better/Living Better through Dance.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors