CVSD community budget forum set for Nov. 7
The Champlain Valley School District (CVSD) board of directors is hosting a community budget forum on Tuesday, Nov. 7, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at CVU, Room 160, and encourages everyone to come share what is on their minds. Childcare and kid food provided.
At this event, Chief Operating Officer Jeanne Jenson will share the present budget climate and the updated budget process, now that CVSD is a consolidated district. In addition, the principals from each school will share the state of each of their schools, including accomplishments and goals.
The bulk of the evening will focus on attendees discussing what they value most about their local schools and anything else they have on their minds. In order to make it family friendly, childcare and food for the children will be provided. The CVSD board wants so much to hear what the community is thinking that it has created the CVSD Community Input Form for those who cannot make it. Since this is one of those worthwhile events that nobody from our member towns should miss, tell a friend or a neighbor, and plan to attend.
CVSD serves the residents of Charlotte, Hinesburg, Shelburne, St. George and Williston and is committed to developing citizens who learn actively and collaboratively, think creatively and critically, live responsibly and respectfully, contribute positively to their community and pursue excellence.
To learn more, visit the CVSD website and Facebook page.