Charlotte Senior Center News

Our October Art Exhibit will be works from Charlotte artist Marvin Fishman. Marvin uses the wet-on-wet technique to create abstract works that evoke imaginary “scapes.” In wet-on-wet, paints are poured into other wet layers and then manipulated to control and shape the intermingling of the colors. The resulting images are “scapes”— spacescapes, dreamscapes, fantasyscapes, and the more representational-like land, mountain and cityscapes.
It’s that time of year again to help make Halloween Treats! Just stop by the Center after October 9 and pick up the ingredients and instructions for you to mix up a batch of fudge at home. Then mark your calendars for October 25 when all are welcome to come around 1:00 p.m. and spend the afternoon telling stories, wrapping up fudge and assembling popcorn balls.
Fall Hikes in the Champlain Valley with Marty Morrissey continue on Tuesday, Oct. 10, with a destination of Blueberry Cobbles, New Russia, New York, and an 8:30 a.m. departure from the Center. There is a fee for the ferry. The last hike of the season will be on Tuesday, Oct. 24, to Silver Lake Trail & Loop Trail with a 9 a.m. departure. A full description and details of each hike are available at the host desk. Please bring water, food and good hiking or walking shoes. Registration necessary.
On Wednesday morning Oct. 11, we continue our Birding Expeditions with Hank Kaestner. Please meet at the Center by 9:00 a.m. so we can carpool together to the location Hank has scouted for spectacular bird watching. Good views are guaranteed through Hank’s “Oh my God” telescope. Register for this event; if we have to change the date due to bird migration or weather, we will call you. Registration necessary. No fee.
The Center will host a Flu Clinic administered by the Shelburne Kinney Drugs after the luncheon on Wednesday, Oct. 11. Please note a change in procedure this year. You will need to pick up a form to be filled out and then dropped off at the Center one week prior to the clinic. Forms are located just inside the front door on the foyer table. The requirements for receiving a shot are being 18 years of age or older and having Medicare B, a Medicaid card, BC/BS, MVP or $60 in cash or check.
Professor Michael Strauss invites you to A Different Kind of Workshop: Drawing for the Terrified on Thursday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Session dates: Oct. 19 and 26, Nov. 2 and 9. These workshops are for beginners as well as those with some drawing experience who think they might benefit from more instruction. They are based on the premise that drawing can be an acquired skill, not just a talent, and that most can learn how to draw if they spend the time and energy needed. Since drawing is foundational for representational painting, artists who paint in watercolor and oil could benefit from these workshops. They are a collaborative learning experience, including much discussion, as well as individual assistance from the instructor and class critiques. Come prepared to draw, share your work with other beginning students and have a good time. All materials will be provided. Send an email if you want more information. Registration necessary. Maximum enrollment: 10. Fee: $80.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors